Interface | Description |
ExtensionTreatment |
An extension for the treatment API.
Instruction |
Abstraction of a single traffic treatment step.
Class | Description |
ExtensionTreatmentType |
Type of treatment extensions.
Instructions |
Factory class for creating various traffic treatment instructions.
Instructions.ExtensionInstructionWrapper |
Extension instruction.
Instructions.GroupInstruction |
Group Instruction.
Instructions.MetadataInstruction |
Metadata instruction.
Instructions.MeterInstruction |
A meter instruction.
Instructions.NoActionInstruction |
No Action instruction.
Instructions.OutputInstruction |
Output Instruction.
Instructions.SetQueueInstruction |
Set-Queue Instruction.
Instructions.StatTriggerInstruction | |
Instructions.TableTypeTransition |
Transition instruction.
L0ModificationInstruction | |
L0ModificationInstruction.ModOchSignalInstruction |
Represents an L0 OCh (Optical Channel) modification instruction.
L1ModificationInstruction | |
L1ModificationInstruction.ModOduSignalIdInstruction |
Represents an L1 ODU (Optical channel Data Unit) Signal Id modification instruction.
L2ModificationInstruction |
Abstraction of a single traffic treatment step.
L2ModificationInstruction.ModEtherInstruction |
Represents a L2 src/dst modification instruction.
L2ModificationInstruction.ModMplsBosInstruction |
Represents a MPLS BOS modification.
L2ModificationInstruction.ModMplsHeaderInstruction |
Represents a MPLS header modification instruction.
L2ModificationInstruction.ModMplsLabelInstruction |
Represents a MPLS label modification.
L2ModificationInstruction.ModMplsTtlInstruction |
Represents a MPLS TTL modification.
L2ModificationInstruction.ModTunnelIdInstruction |
Represents a Tunnel id modification.
L2ModificationInstruction.ModVlanHeaderInstruction |
Represents a VLAN Header modification instruction.
L2ModificationInstruction.ModVlanIdInstruction |
Represents a VLAN id modification instruction.
L2ModificationInstruction.ModVlanPcpInstruction |
Represents a VLAN PCP modification instruction.
L3ModificationInstruction |
Abstraction of a single traffic treatment step.
L3ModificationInstruction.ModArpEthInstruction |
Represents a L3 ARP Ether src/dst modification instruction.
L3ModificationInstruction.ModArpIPInstruction |
Represents a L3 ARP IP src/dst modification instruction.
L3ModificationInstruction.ModArpOpInstruction |
Represents a L3 ARP operation modification instruction.
L3ModificationInstruction.ModIPInstruction |
Represents a L3 src/dst modification instruction.
L3ModificationInstruction.ModIPv6FlowLabelInstruction |
Represents a L3 IPv6 Flow Label (RFC 6437) modification instruction
(20 bits unsigned integer).
L3ModificationInstruction.ModTtlInstruction |
Represents a L3 TTL modification instruction.
L4ModificationInstruction |
Abstraction of a single traffic treatment step.
L4ModificationInstruction.ModTransportPortInstruction |
Represents a L4 src/dst modification instruction.
PiInstruction |
Representation of a protocol-independent instruction.
UnresolvedExtensionTreatment |
Unresolved extension treatment.
Enum | Description |
ExtensionTreatmentType.ExtensionTreatmentTypes |
A list of well-known named extension instruction type codes.
Instruction.Type |
Represents the type of traffic treatment.
L0ModificationInstruction.L0SubType |
Represents the type of traffic treatment.
L1ModificationInstruction.L1SubType |
Represents the type of traffic treatment.
L2ModificationInstruction.L2SubType |
Represents the type of traffic treatment.
L3ModificationInstruction.L3SubType |
Represents the type of traffic treatment.
L4ModificationInstruction.L4SubType |
Represents the type of traffic treatment.
Exception | Description |
ExtensionPropertyException |
Exception indicating there was an error while setting/getting an extension
instruction property.