Class | Description |
AbstractChoicesCompleter |
Abstraction of a completer with preset choices.
AbstractCompleter |
Abstract argument completer.
AbstractShellCommand |
Base abstraction of Karaf shell commands.
BalanceMastersCommand |
Forces device mastership rebalancing.
CliComponent |
OSGI Component for the ONOS CLI.
IssuCommand |
Commands for managing upgrades.
MarkCommand |
CLI command which just log message to ONOS log for ease of debugging, etc.
MastersListCommand |
Lists device mastership information.
MembershipsListCommand |
Command to list the memberships in the system.
MetricNameCompleter |
Metric name completer.
MetricsListCommand |
Prints metrics in the system.
NodeAddCommand |
Adds a new controller cluster node.
NodeIdCompleter |
Node ID completer.
NodeRemoveCommand |
Removes a controller cluster node.
NodesListCommand |
Lists all controller cluster nodes.
PlaceholderCompleter |
A completer that can be used as a placeholder for arguments that don't
need/want completers.
PrettyJson |
Pretty print previous command output JSON.
PrettyXml |
Pretty print previous command output XML.
RolesCommand |
Lists mastership roles of nodes for each device.
ScrListCommand |
CLI command to dump out the SCR components list in the old karaf format.
StartStopCompleter |
Start/stop command completer.
StorageNodesListCommand |
Lists all storage nodes.
SummaryCommand |
Provides summary of ONOS model.
UpDownCompleter |
Up/down command completer.