See: Description
Class | Description |
AddHostToHostIntentCommand |
Installs host-to-host connectivity intent.
AddMultiPointToSinglePointIntentCommand |
Installs connectivity intent between multiple ingress devices and a single egress device.
AddPointToPointIntentCommand |
Installs point-to-point connectivity intents.
AddProtectedTransportIntentCommand |
Installs ProtectedTransportIntent.
AddSinglePointToMultiPointIntentCommand |
Installs connectivity intent between a single ingress device and multiple egress devices.
AddTestFlowsCommand |
Installs bulk flows.
AllocationsCommand |
Lists allocated resources.
AnnotateDeviceCommand |
Annotates network device model.
AnnotateHostCommand |
Annotates host model.
AnnotateLinkCommand |
Annotates network link model.
AnnotatePortCommand |
Annotates network device port model.
ClusterDevicesCommand |
Lists devices of the specified topology cluster in the current topology.
ClusterIdCompleter |
Cluster ID completer.
ClusterLinksCommand |
Lists links of the specified topology cluster in the current topology.
ClustersListCommand |
Lists all clusters in the current topology.
ConfigureLinkCommand |
Add Link configuration.
ConnectivityIntentCommand |
Base class for command line operations for connectivity based intents.
ConnectPointCompleter |
ConnectPoint completer.
CounterCommand |
Command to display the current value of a atomic counter.
CountersListCommand |
Command to list the various counters in the system.
DeviceControllersCommand |
Sets role of the controller node for the given infrastructure device.
DeviceIdCompleter |
Device ID completer.
DeviceInterfaceAddCommand |
Configures a device interface.
DeviceInterfaceRemoveCommand |
Removes an interface configurion from a device.
DeviceInterfacesListCommand |
Lists all interfaces or interfaces of a device.
DeviceKeyAddCommand |
Adds a device key.
DeviceKeyListCommand |
Lists all device keys.
DeviceKeyRemoveCommand |
Removes a device key.
DevicePortsListCommand |
Lists all ports or all ports of a device.
DevicePortStateCommand |
Administratively enables or disabled a port on a device.
DevicePortStatsCommand |
Lists port statistic of all ports in the system.
DeviceRemoveCommand |
Removes an infrastructure device.
DeviceRoleCommand |
Sets role of the controller node for the given infrastructure device.
DeviceSetControllersCommand |
Sets role of the controller node for the given infrastructure device.
DevicesListCommand |
Lists all infrastructure devices.
DomainIdCompleter |
Domain ID completer.
DriverNameCompleter |
Device driver name completer.
DriverProvidersListCommand |
Lists device drivers.
DriversListCommand |
Lists device drivers.
EdgePortsListCommand |
Lists all edge ports.
EncapTypeCompleter |
Encapsulation type completer.
EthTypeCompleter |
Ethernet type completer.
ExtHeaderCompleter |
IPv6 extension header completer.
FlowObjectiveCompositionCommand |
Manages FlowObjectiveComposition policy.
FlowObjectiveNextListCommand |
Returns a mapping of FlowObjective next-ids to the groups that get created
by a device driver.
FlowObjectivePendingNextCommand |
Returns a list of FlowObjective next-ids waiting to get created by device-drivers.
FlowObjectiveQueueClearCommand |
Clear flow objective that are waiting for the completion of previous objective with the same key.
FlowObjectiveQueueListCommand |
Displays flow objective that are waiting for the completion of previous objective with the same key.
FlowRuleStatusCompleter |
Flow rule status completer.
FlowsListCommand |
Lists all currently-known flows.
GetDomainsCommand |
Gets the complete list of domain IDs.
GetFlowStatisticsCommand |
Fetches flow statistics with a flow type and instruction type.
GetStatisticsCommand |
Fetches statistics.
GroupsListCommand |
Lists all groups in the system.
GroupStatusCompleter |
Group status completer.
GroupTypeCompleter |
Group status completer.
HostIdCompleter |
Host ID completer.
HostRemoveCommand |
Removes an end-station host.
HostsListCommand |
Lists all currently-known hosts.
Icmp6CodeCompleter |
ICMPv6 type completer.
Icmp6TypeCompleter |
ICMPv6 type completer.
IntentCycleCommand |
Installs point-to-point connectivity intents.
IntentDetailsCommand |
Displays details about an Intent in the system.
IntentKeyCompleter |
Intent Key completer.
IntentListCompilers |
Lists the inventory of intents and their states.
IntentListInstallers |
Lists the installers of intents.
IntentPurgeCommand |
Purges all WITHDRAWN intents.
IntentPushTestCommand |
Installs bulk point-to-point connectivity intents between given ingress/egress devices.
IntentRemoveCommand |
Removes an intent.
IntentsDiagnosisCommand | |
IntentsListCommand |
Lists the inventory of intents and their states.
InterfaceAddCommand |
Adds a new interface configuration.
InterfaceRemoveCommand |
Removes an interface configuration.
InterfacesListCommand |
Lists all configured interfaces.
IpProtocolCompleter |
IP protocol completer.
LayoutAddCommand |
Add a new UI layout.
LayoutListCommand |
List layout details.
LeaderCommand |
Prints the leader for every topic.
LinkDstCompleter |
Link destination end-point completer.
LinksListCommand |
Lists all infrastructure links.
LinkSrcCompleter |
Link source end-point completer.
MapsListCommand |
Command to list the various maps in the system.
McastDeleteCommand |
Deletes a multicast route.
McastGroupCompleter |
Mcast group Completer.
McastJoinCommand |
Installs a source, multicast group flow.
McastRoutesListCommand |
Displays the source, multicast group flows entries.
McastShowCommand |
Displays the source, multicast group flows entries.
MeterAddCommand |
Add a meter to a device.
MeterRemoveCommand |
Remove existing meter from device.
MetersListCommand |
Lists all meters.
NeighbourHandlersListCommand |
Lists neighbour message handlers.
PacketProcessorsListCommand |
Lists packet processors.
PacketRequestsListCommand |
Lists packet requests.
PartitionsListCommand |
Command to list the database partitions in the system.
PathListCommand |
Lists all shortest-paths paths between the specified source and
destination devices.
PipeconfCommand |
Query registered pipeconfs.
PortNumberCompleter |
PortNumber completer, which returns candidates in
PortNumber.toString() form. |
PortQueryVlansCommand |
Command to show the list of unused vlan-ids.
PortStateCompleter |
PortState completer.
QueuesListCommand |
Command to list stats for all work queues in the system.
RandomIntentCommand |
Installs bulk host-to-host intents between hosts of the network.
RegionAddCommand |
Add a new region.
RegionAddDevicesCommand |
Add a set of devices into existing region.
RegionAddPeerLocCommand |
Annotate a region with a peer location.
RegionIdCompleter |
Region ID completer.
RegionListCommand |
List Region details including membership.
RegionRemoveCommand |
Removes a region from the existing region list.
RegionRemoveDevicesCommand |
Remove a set of devices from existing region.
RegionTypeCompleter |
Region type completer.
RegionUpdateCommand |
Update an existing region.
ResourcesCommand |
Lists registered resources.
RoleCompleter |
Device mastership role completer.
TableStatisticsCommand |
Lists port statistic of all ports in the system.
TestAllocateResource |
Test tool to allocate resources.
TestProtectionEndpointIntentCommand |
Test tool to add ProtectionEndpointIntent.
TopologyCommand |
Lists summary of the current topology.
TransactionsCommand |
CLI to view in-progress database transactions in the system.
WipeOutCommand |
Wipes-out the entire network information base, i.e.
Enum | Description |
EthType |
Allowed values for Ethernet types.
ExtHeader |
Known values for IPv6 extension header field that can be supplied to the CLI.
Icmp6Code |
Known values for ICMPv6 code field that can be supplied to the CLI.
Icmp6Type |
Known values for ICMPv6 type field that can be supplied to the CLI.
IpProtocol |
Known protocol values for IP protocol field that can be supplied to the CLI.