Class ControlLoadSnapshot

  • public class ControlLoadSnapshot
    extends Object
    A container class that is used to wrap the control metric response.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ControlLoadSnapshot

        public ControlLoadSnapshot​(long latest,
                                   long average,
                                   long time)
        Instantiates a new control metric response with given latest, average, time.
        latest - latest value of control metric
        average - average value of control metric
        time - last logging time of control metric
      • ControlLoadSnapshot

        public ControlLoadSnapshot​(long latest,
                                   long average,
                                   long time,
                                   long[] recent)
        Instantiates a new control metric response with given latest, average, time, recent values.
        latest - latest value of control metric
        average - average value of control metric
        time - last logging time of control metric
        recent - a set of historical data
    • Method Detail

      • latest

        public long latest()
        Returns latest value of control metric.
        latest value of control metric
      • time

        public long time()
        Returns last logging time of control metric.
        last logging time of control metric
      • average

        public long average()
        Returns average value of control metric.
        average value of control metric
      • recent

        public long[] recent()
        Returns a set of historical recent of control metric.
        a set of historical recent of control metric
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object