Administrative console command-line extensions for interacting with the
network model & services.
Class Summary Class Description AddHostToHostIntentCommand Installs host-to-host connectivity intent.AddMultiPointToSinglePointIntentCommand Installs connectivity intent between multiple ingress devices and a single egress device.AddPointToPointIntentCommand Installs point-to-point connectivity intents.AddProtectedTransportIntentCommand Installs ProtectedTransportIntent.AddSinglePointToMultiPointIntentCommand Installs connectivity intent between a single ingress device and multiple egress devices.AddTestFlowsCommand Installs bulk flows.AllocationsCommand Lists allocated resources.AnnotateDeviceCommand Annotates network device model.AnnotateHostCommand Annotates host model.AnnotateLinkCommand Annotates network link model.AnnotatePortCommand Annotates network device port model.BitErrorCommand Get the bit-error-rate for specific optical-channel.ClusterDevicesCommand Lists devices of the specified topology cluster in the current topology.ClusterIdCompleter Cluster ID completer.ClusterLinksCommand Lists links of the specified topology cluster in the current topology.ClustersListCommand Lists all clusters in the current topology.ConfigureLinkCommand Add Link configuration.ConnectivityIntentCommand Base class for command line operations for connectivity based intents.ConnectPointCompleter ConnectPoint completer.CounterCommand Command to display the current value of a atomic counter.CountersListCommand Command to list the various counters in the system.DeviceControllersCommand Sets role of the controller node for the given infrastructure device.DeviceDriversCommand DeviceIdCompleter Device ID completer.DeviceInterfaceAddCommand Configures a device interface.DeviceInterfaceRemoveCommand Removes an interface configurion from a device.DeviceInterfacesListCommand Lists all interfaces or interfaces of a device.DeviceKeyAddCommand Adds a device key.DeviceKeyListCommand Lists all device keys.DeviceKeyRemoveCommand Removes a device key.DevicePortsListCommand Lists all ports or all ports of a device.DevicePortsRemoveCommand Removes an infrastructure device.DevicePortStateCommand Administratively enables or disabled a port on a device.DevicePortStatsCommand Lists port statistic of all ports in the system.DeviceRebootCommand Administratively reboots device.DeviceRemoveCommand Removes an infrastructure device.DeviceRoleCommand Sets role of the controller node for the given infrastructure device.DeviceSetControllersCommand Sets role of the controller node for the given infrastructure device.DevicesListCommand Lists all infrastructure devices.DeviceTimeCommand Gets time since epoch.DomainIdCompleter Domain ID completer.DriverNameCompleter Device driver name completer.DriverProvidersListCommand Lists device drivers.DriversListCommand Lists device drivers.EdgePortsListCommand Lists all edge ports.EncapTypeCompleter Encapsulation type completer.EthTypeCompleter Ethernet type completer.ExtHeaderCompleter IPv6 extension header completer.FlowObjectiveCompositionCommand Manages FlowObjectiveComposition policy.FlowObjectiveNextListCommand Returns a mapping of FlowObjective next-ids to the groups that get created by a device driver.FlowObjectivePendingNextCommand Returns a list of FlowObjective next-ids waiting to get created by device-drivers.FlowObjectiveQueueClearCommand Clear flow objective that are waiting for the completion of previous objective with the same key.FlowObjectiveQueueListCommand Displays flow objective that are waiting for the completion of previous objective with the same key.FlowRuleStatusCompleter Flow rule status completer.FlowsListCommand Lists all currently-known flows.GetDomainsCommand Gets the complete list of domain IDs.GetFlowStatisticsCommand Fetches flow statistics with a flow type and instruction type.GetInternalConnectivityOutputPortsCommand Lists possible output ports to which a given input port can be internally connected on a single device.GetStatisticsCommand Fetches statistics.GroupsListCommand Lists all groups in the system.GroupStatusCompleter Group status completer.GroupTypeCompleter Group status completer.HostIdCompleter Host ID completer.HostRemoveCommand Removes an end-station host.HostsListCommand Lists all currently-known hosts.Icmp6CodeCompleter ICMPv6 type completer.Icmp6TypeCompleter ICMPv6 type completer.IntentCycleCommand Installs point-to-point connectivity intents.IntentDetailsCommand Displays details about an Intent in the system.IntentKeyCompleter Intent Key completer.IntentListCompilers Lists the inventory of intents and their states.IntentListInstallers Lists the installers of intents.IntentPurgeCommand Purges all WITHDRAWN intents.IntentPushTestCommand Installs bulk point-to-point connectivity intents between given ingress/egress devices.IntentRemoveCommand Removes an intent.IntentsDiagnosisCommand IntentsListCommand Lists the inventory of intents and their states.InterfaceAddCommand Adds a new interface configuration.InterfaceRemoveCommand Removes an interface configuration.InterfacesListCommand Lists all configured interfaces.InternalConnectivityCommand IpProtocolCompleter IP protocol completer.LayoutAddCommand Add a new UI layout.LayoutListCommand List layout details.LeaderCommand Prints the leader for every topic.LinkDstCompleter Link destination end-point completer.LinksListCommand Lists all infrastructure links.LinkSrcCompleter Link source end-point completer.MapsListCommand Command to list the various maps in the system.McastDeleteCommand Deletes a multicast route.McastGroupCompleter Mcast group Completer.McastJoinCommand Installs a source, multicast group flow.McastRoutesListCommand Displays the source, multicast group flows entries.McastShowCommand Displays the source, multicast group flows entries.MeterAddCommand Add a meter to a device.MeterRemoveCommand Remove existing meter from device.MetersListCommand Lists all meters.NeighbourHandlersListCommand Lists neighbour message handlers.NetconfOperationCompleter Netconf Operation Completer.OpticalConnectPointCompleter Optical ConnectPoint completer.PacketProcessorsListCommand Lists packet processors.PacketRequestsListCommand Lists packet requests.PartitionsListCommand Command to list the database partitions in the system.PartitionsSnapshotCommand Command to force a snapshot of the partitions.PathListCommand Lists all shortest-paths paths between the specified source and destination devices.PipeconfCommand Query registered pipeconfs.PortNumberCompleter PortNumber completer, which returns candidates inPortNumber.toString()
form.PortQueryVlansCommand Command to show the list of unused vlan-ids.PortStateCompleter PortState completer.PowerConfigCommand Get the target-output-power for specific optical-channel.QueuesListCommand Command to list stats for all work queues in the system.RandomIntentCommand Installs bulk host-to-host intents between hosts of the network.RegionAddCommand Add a new region.RegionAddDevicesCommand Add a set of devices into existing region.RegionAddPeerLocCommand Annotate a region with a peer location.RegionIdCompleter Region ID completer.RegionListCommand List Region details including membership.RegionRemoveCommand Removes a region from the existing region list.RegionRemoveDevicesCommand Remove a set of devices from existing region.RegionTypeCompleter Region type completer.RegionUpdateCommand Update an existing region.ResourcesCommand Lists registered resources.RoleCompleter Device mastership role completer.TableStatisticsCommand Lists port statistic of all ports in the system.TestAllocateResource Test tool to allocate resources.TestProtectionEndpointIntentCommand Test tool to add ProtectionEndpointIntent.TopologyCommand Lists summary of the current topology.TransactionsCommand CLI to view in-progress database transactions in the system.WipeOutCommand Wipes-out the entire network information base, i.e. -
Enum Summary Enum Description EthType Allowed values for Ethernet types.ExtHeader Known values for IPv6 extension header field that can be supplied to the CLI.Icmp6Code Known values for ICMPv6 code field that can be supplied to the CLI.Icmp6Type Known values for ICMPv6 type field that can be supplied to the CLI.IpProtocol Known protocol values for IP protocol field that can be supplied to the CLI.