Class RegionAddPeerLocCommand

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, CodecContext

    public class RegionAddPeerLocCommand
    extends AbstractShellCommand
    Annotate a region with a peer location. That is, when rendering the first region, where should the second (peer) region node be located on the layout. An example:
         region-add-peer-loc rUK rES 50.4060 -3.3860
    When rendering the rUK region, the rES peer region node should be located at latitude 50.4060 and longitude -3.3860.
         region-add-peer-loc rUK rES 100.0 200.0 grid
    When rendering the rUK region, the rES peer region node should be located at grid-Y 100 and grid-X 200.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RegionAddPeerLocCommand

        public RegionAddPeerLocCommand()