Flow meter model and related services.
Interface Summary Interface Description Band Represents a band used within a meter.Band.Builder BandEntry Represents a stored band.Meter Represents a generalized meter cell configuration to be deployed on a device.Meter.Builder A meter builder.MeterCellId A representation of a meter cell identifier.MeterContext A context permitting the application to be notified when the meter installation has been successful.MeterEntry Represents a stored meter.MeterFeatures Meter Features of a device.MeterFeatures.Builder A meter features builder.MeterListener Entity capable of receiving Meter related events.MeterProgrammable Meter programmable device behaviour.MeterProvider Abstraction of a Meter provider.MeterProviderRegistry Abstraction for a meter provider registry.MeterProviderService Service through which meter providers can inject information into the core.MeterRequest Represents a generalized meter request to be deployed on a device.MeterRequest.Builder A meter builder.MeterService Service for add/updating and removing meters.MeterStore Entity that stores and distributed meter objects.MeterStoreDelegate Meter store delegate abstraction. -
Class Summary Class Description DefaultBand A default implementation for a Band.DefaultBand.Builder DefaultMeter A default implementation of a meter.DefaultMeter.Builder DefaultMeterFeatures Default implementation of MeterFeatures.DefaultMeterFeatures.Builder A DefaultMeterFeatures builder.DefaultMeterRequest A default implementation of a meter.DefaultMeterRequest.Builder MeterEvent Entity that represents Meter events.MeterFeaturesKey Deprecated. in onos-2.5 replaced byMeterTableKey
MeterId A representation of a meter cell identifier.MeterKey A meter key represents a meter uniquely.MeterOperation Representation of an operation on the meter table.MeterOperations Immutable collection of meter operation to be used between core and provider layers of group subsystem.MeterScope Scope of Meter Features.MeterStoreResult An entity used to indicate whether the store operation passed.MeterTableKey MeterTableKey is used to represent a single meter table in each device uniquely. -
Enum Summary Enum Description Band.Type Specifies the type of band.Meter.Unit MeterCellId.MeterCellType Types of meter cell identifier.MeterEvent.Type MeterFailReason Enum used to represent a meter failure condition.MeterFeaturesFlag MeterOperation.Type Tyoe of meter operation.MeterRequest.Type MeterState Represents the state of the meter as seen by the store.MeterStoreResult.Type