Abstractions of various device configuration or device adaptation behaviours;
counterpart to the device driver subsystem.
Interface Summary Interface Description BandwidthProfileConfigBehaviour Means to configure bandwidth profiles on devices.BasicSystemOperations Handler behaviour capable of device reboot execution and getting system time since UNIX epoch.BitErrorRateState BngProgrammable BNG programmable behavior.BngProgrammable.Attachment Immutable representation of an attachment in the BNG context.BridgeConfig Behaviour for handling various drivers for bridge configurations.BridgeDescription The abstraction of a bridge.BridgeDescription.Builder /** Builder of bridge description entities.ConfigGetter Behaviour that gets the configuration of the specified type from the device.ConfigSetter Behaviour that sets the configuration to a device.ControllerConfig Device behaviour to obtain, set and remove controllers at the device.DevicesDiscovery Handler behaviour capable of managing a set of forwarding plane devices.DeviceSystemStatisticsQuery A HandlerBehaviour to get System Stats for the Device.DomainIntentConfigurable Behaviour to manages the intent in a network domain.ExtensionSelectorResolver Provides access to the extension selectors implemented by this driver.ExtensionTreatmentResolver Provides access to the extension treatments implemented by this driver.HostsDiscovery Retrieving host information from the device and creating host descriptions.InterfaceConfig Means to configure interfaces on devices.InternalConnectivity Handler behaviour for retrieving internal connectivity information.L2SwitchVlanConfigBehaviour Means to configure VLANs on legacy L2 switch devices.LambdaQuery A HandlerBehaviour to retrieve available wavelength resources.LinkDiscovery A HandlerBehaviour to discover links.MeterQuery A HandlerBehaviour to check the capability of Meter.MirroringConfig Behaviour for handling various drivers for mirroring configurations.MirroringDescription The abstraction of a mirroring.ModulationConfig<T> MplsQuery A HandlerBehaviour to check the capability of MPLS.NextGroup Opaque data type for carrying group-like information.PatchDescription Describes a patch interface.PatchDescription.Builder Builder of patch interface description entities.Pipeliner Behaviour for handling various pipelines.PipelinerContext Processing context and supporting services for the pipeline behaviour.PipelineTraceable Represents a driver behavior that enables a logical packet to trace existing flows and groups in a device.PiPipelineProgrammable Behavior to program the pipeline of a device that supports protocol-independence.PiRegisterProgrammable Protocol-independent register programmable device behaviour.PortAdmin Means to administratively enable,disable and query the state of a port on a device.PortConfigBehaviour Means to configure a logical port at the device.PowerConfig<T> Behavior for handling port power configurations.QosConfigBehaviour Behaviour for handling various operations for qos configurations.QosDescription Default implementation of immutable Qos description.QosDescription.Builder Builder of qos description entities.QueueConfigBehaviour Behaviour for handling various operations for queue configurations.QueueDescription Default implementation of immutable Queue description.QueueDescription.Builder SoftwareUpgrade Behaviour that upgrades the software on a device.TableStatisticsDiscovery Behaviour capable of retrieving table statistics from device.TributarySlotQuery Behaviour to retrieve available tributary slot resources.TunnelDescription Describes a tunnel interface.TunnelDescription.Builder Builder of tunnel interface description entities.VlanQuery A HandlerBehaviour to check the capability of VLAN. -
Class Summary Class Description BandwidthProfile Implementation of a generic bandwidth profile (marker/policer).BandwidthProfile.Builder Builder of BandwidthProfile entities.BandwidthProfileAction Represents an action to be taken by a marker/policer.BandwidthProfileAction.Builder Builder of BandwidthProfileAction entities.BridgeName Represents for a bridge name.ControllerInfo Represents information for a device to connect to a controller.DefaultBridgeDescription The default implementation of bridge.DefaultBridgeDescription.Builder DefaultMirroringDescription Default implementation of mirroring description entity.DefaultNextGroup Default implementation of a next group.DefaultPatchDescription Default implementation of immutable patch interface description entity.DefaultPatchDescription.Builder DefaultQosDescription Default implementation of Qos description entity.DefaultQosDescription.Builder DefaultQueueDescription Default implementation of Queue description entity.DefaultQueueDescription.Builder DefaultTunnelDescription Default implementation of immutable tunnel interface description entity.DefaultTunnelDescription.Builder DeviceCpuStats A representation of cpu stats of device.DeviceMemoryStats A representation of memory stats of device.DeviceSystemStats A representation of system stats of device.MirroringName Represents for a mirroring name.MirroringStatistics Represents statistics associated to a mirroring.QosId Immutable representation of a Qos identity.QueueId Immutable representation of a Queue identity.TunnelEndPoint<T> Represents for source end point or destination end point of a tunnel.TunnelEndPoints Static utility methods pertaining toTunnelEndPoint
instances.TunnelKey<T> Represent for a tunnel key.TunnelKeys Static utility methods pertaining toTunnelKey
instances. -
Enum Summary Enum Description BandwidthProfileAction.Action Denotes the type of action to be taken.BngProgrammable.Attachment.AttachmentType Types of attachment.BngProgrammable.BngCounterType Counters to implement BNG accounting.BridgeDescription.FailMode ControlProtocolVersion QosDescription.Type Denotes the type of the Qos.QueueDescription.Type Denotes the type of the Queue.SoftwareUpgrade.Status Completion status of upgrade.TunnelDescription.Type Tunnel technology type. -
Exception Summary Exception Description BngProgrammable.BngProgrammableException An exception indicating a an error happened in the BNG programmable behaviour.