Class SlidingWindowCounter

  • public final class SlidingWindowCounter
    extends Object
    Maintains a sliding window of value counts. The sliding window counter is initialized with a number of window slots. Calls to #incrementCount() will increment the value in the current window slot. Periodically the window slides and the oldest value count is dropped. Calls to #get() will get the total count for the last N window slots.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SlidingWindowCounter

        public SlidingWindowCounter​(int windowSlots)
        Creates a new sliding window counter with the given total number of window slots.
        windowSlots - total number of window slots
    • Method Detail

      • destroy

        public void destroy()
        Releases resources used by the SlidingWindowCounter.
      • incrementCount

        public void incrementCount()
        Increments the count of the current window slot by 1.
      • incrementCount

        public void incrementCount​(long value)
        Increments the count of the current window slot by the given value.
        value - value to increment by
      • get

        public long get​(int slots)
        since 1.12
        Gets the total count for the last N window slots.
        slots - number of slots to include in the count
        total count for last N slots
      • getWindowCount

        public long getWindowCount()
        Gets the total count for all slots.
        total count for all slots
      • getWindowCount

        public long getWindowCount​(int slots)
        Gets the total count for the last N window slots.
        slots - number of slots to include in the count
        total count for last N slots
      • getWindowRate

        public double getWindowRate()
        Returns the average rate over the window.
        the average rate over the window
      • getWindowRate

        public double getWindowRate​(int slots)
        Returns the average rate over the given window.
        slots - the number of slots to include in the window
        the average rate over the given window
      • getOverallCount

        public long getOverallCount()
        Returns the overall number of increments.
        the overall number of increments
      • getOverallRate

        public double getOverallRate()
        Returns the overall rate.
        the overall rate
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Clears the counter.