Interface PiPipelineProgrammable

    • Method Detail

      • setPipeconf

        CompletableFuture<Boolean> setPipeconf​(PiPipeconf pipeconf)
        Writes the given pipeconf to the device, returns a completable future with true is the operations was successful, false otherwise.

        After the future has been completed, the device is expected to process data plane packets according to the written pipeconf.

        pipeconf - pipeconf
        completable future set to true if the operation was successful, false otherwise
      • isPipeconfSet

        CompletableFuture<Boolean> isPipeconfSet​(PiPipeconf pipeconf)
        Probes the device to verify that the given pipeconf is the one currently configured.

        This method is expected to always return true after successfully calling setPipeconf(PiPipeconf) with the given pipeconf.

        pipeconf - pipeconf
        completable future eventually true if the device has the given pipeconf set, false otherwise
      • getDefaultPipeconf

        Optional<PiPipeconf> getDefaultPipeconf()
        Returns the default pipeconf for this device, to be used when any other pipeconf is not available.
        optional pipeconf