Interface ComponentConfigStore

    • Method Detail

      • setProperty

        void setProperty​(String componentName,
                         String name,
                         String value)
        Sets the value of the specified configuration property.
        componentName - component name
        name - property name
        value - new property value
      • setProperty

        void setProperty​(String componentName,
                         String name,
                         String value,
                         boolean override)
        Sets the value of the specified configuration property.
        componentName - component name
        name - property name
        value - new property value
        override - true to override even if the property has been set to other value
      • unsetProperty

        void unsetProperty​(String componentName,
                           String name)
        Clears the value of the specified configuration property thus making the property take on its default value.
        componentName - component name
        name - property name
      • getProperties

        default Set<String> getProperties​(String component)
        Returns set of component configuration property names. This includes only the names of properties whose values depart from their default.
        component - component name
        set of property names whose values are set to non-default values
      • getProperty

        default String getProperty​(String component,
                                   String name)
        Returns the string value of the given component configuration property. For properties whose values are set to their default this may return null.
        component - component name
        name - property name; null if no property found or if value is default
        set of property names