Package org.onosproject.cpman
An application that manages the control plane.
Interface Summary Interface Description ControlLoad Data repository for control plane load information.ControlMessage Abstraction of control message.ControlPlaneMonitorService Control Plane Statistics Service Interface.ControlPlaneService Control Plane Service interface.MetricsDatabase Database for storing a metric.MetricsDatabase.Builder A builder of MetricsDatabase.SystemInfo System information interface.SystemInfo.Builder A builder of SystemInfo. -
Class Summary Class Description ControlLoadSnapshot A container class that is used to wrap the control metric response.ControlMetric Include various control plane metrics.ControlMetricsRequest A container class that is used to request control metric of remote node.ControlResource A set of resource type used in control plane.ControlResourceRequest A container class that is used to request available resource of remote node.DefaultControlMessage Default control message implementation.MetricValue Primitive Metric Value.MetricValue.Builder MetricValue builder class. -
Enum Summary Enum Description ControlMessage.Type ControlMetricType A set of metric type used in control plane.ControlResource.Type Control resource type.