Package org.onlab.packet
Utilities for decoding and encoding packets of various network protocols
and encapsulations.
Interface Summary Interface Description Deserializer<U extends IPacket> Function to deserialize a packet from a byte-based input stream.EAPOLMkpduDistributedSAKParameterSet.KeyWrapper EAPOLMkpduParameterSet Class representing EAPOL MKPDU Parameter Set.IPacket Packet Interface. -
Class Summary Class Description ARP Representation of an ARP Packet.BasePacket Base packet class.ChassisId The class representing a network device chassisId.Data DHCP Representation of an DHCP Packet.DHCP6 Representation of an DHCPv6 Packet.EAP EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol) packet.EAPOL EAPOL (Extensible Authentication Protocol over LAN) header.EAPOLMkpdu EAPOL MKA (EAPOL MAC Key Agreement Protocol) header.EAPOLMkpduBasicParameterSet Class representing EAPOL MKPDU Basic Parameter Set.EAPOLMkpduBasicParameterSet.SCI MKA Secure Channel Identifier.EAPOLMkpduDistributedSAKParameterSet Class representing MKPDU MACSec SAK Use Parameter Set (GCM-AES 128).EAPOLMkpduICVIndicatorParameterSet Class representing MKPDU ICV Indicator.EAPOLMkpduMACSecUseParameterSet Class representing MKPDU MACSec SAK Use Parameter Set.EAPOLMkpduPeerListParameterSet Class representing MKPDU Live/Potential Peer List Parameter Set.EAPOLMkpduPeerListParameterSet.MemberDetails Ethernet Ethernet Packet.EthType Representation of an Ethertype.ICMP Implements ICMP packet format.ICMP6 Implements ICMPv6 packet format.ICMPEcho ICMP packet class for echo purpose.IGMP Implements IGMP control packet format.IGMP.IGMPv2 IGMP.IGMPv3 IGMPGroup A class to represent Groups for membership query and reports.IGMPMembership IGMPQuery IP Implements IP packet format.Ip4Address A class representing an IPv4 address.Ip4Prefix The class representing an IPv4 network address.Ip6Address A class representing an IPv6 address.Ip6Prefix The class representing an IPv6 network address.IpAddress A class representing an IP address.IpPrefix A class representing an IP prefix.IPv4 Implements IPv4 packet format.IPv6 Implements IPv6 packet format.LLC This class represents an Link Local Control header that is used in Ethernet 802.3.LLDP Representation of an LLDP Packet.LLDPOrganizationalTLV The class representing LLDP Organizationally Specific TLV.LLDPTLV MacAddress The class representing MAC address.MPLS Representation of an MPLS Packet.MplsLabel Representation of a MPLS label.ONOSLLDP ONOS LLDP containing organizational TLV for ONOS device discovery.PacketUtils Utilities for working with packet headers.PIM Implements PIM control packet format.PPPoED PPPoEDTag RADIUS RADIUS packet.RADIUSAttribute An attribute in a RADIUS packet.RIP Implements RIP Packet format, according to RFC 2453.RIPng Representation of an RIPng Packet.RIPngEntry Default DHCP option.RIPV2AuthEntry RIPV2Entry Slow Implements ethernet slow protocols.TCP Implements TCP packet format.TpPort Representation of a transport layer port.UDP Representation of a UDP packet.VlanId Representation of a VLAN identifier.VXLAN Representation of a VXLAN(Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network) packet. -
Enum Summary Enum Description DHCP.DHCPOptionCode DHCP.MsgType DHCP6.MsgType DHCPv6 message type.DHCP6.OptionCode DHCPv6 option code.DscpClass Represents the DiffServ classes defined by the IPv4/IPv6 DSCP value.EthType.EtherType A list of known ethertypes.IpAddress.Version IPPrecedence Represents the deprecated IPv4 IP precedence.PPPoED.Type RIP.CmdType RIPng.CmdType -
Exception Summary Exception Description DeserializationException Signals that an error occurred during deserialization of a packet.