All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractAccumulator<T> |
Base implementation of an item accumulator.
AbstractAnnotated |
Base abstraction of an annotated entity.
AbstractApiDocRegistrator |
Self-registering REST API provider.
AbstractBehaviour |
Base implementation of a driver behaviour.
AbstractCellComparator |
AbstractCellFormatter |
AbstractChoicesCompleter |
Abstraction of a completer with preset choices.
AbstractCompleter |
Abstract argument completer.
AbstractDescription |
Base implementation of an annotated model description.
AbstractDeviceProvider |
AbstractDriverLoader |
Abstract bootstrapper for loading and registering driver definitions that
are dependent on the default driver definitions.
AbstractEdge<V extends Vertex> |
Abstract graph edge implementation.
AbstractElement |
Base implementation of network elements, i.e.
AbstractEvent<T extends java.lang.Enum,S> |
Base event implementation.
AbstractExtension |
Abstract implementation of the set/get property methods of Extension.
AbstractGraphPathSearch<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
Basis for various graph path search algorithm implementations.
AbstractHandlerBehaviour |
Base implementation of a driver handler behaviour.
AbstractHighlight |
Partial implementation of the highlighting to apply to topology
view elements.
AbstractIndependentDriverLoader |
Abstract bootstrapper for loading and registering driver definitions that
are independent from the default driver definitions.
AbstractInjectionResource |
Resource for serving semi-static resources.
AbstractListenerManager<E extends Event,L extends EventListener<E>> |
Basis for components which need to export listener mechanism.
AbstractListenerProviderRegistry<E extends Event,L extends EventListener<E>,P extends Provider,S extends ProviderService<P>> |
Basis for components which need to export listener mechanism.
AbstractMapper<E extends java.lang.Throwable> |
Base exception mapper implementation.
AbstractModel |
Base implementation of a network model entity.
AbstractPathService |
Helper class for path service.
AbstractProjectableModel |
Base model entity, capable of being extended via projection mechanism.
AbstractProvider |
Base provider implementation.
AbstractProviderRegistry<P extends Provider,S extends ProviderService<P>> |
Base implementation of provider registry.
AbstractProviderService<P extends Provider> |
Base implementation of a provider service, which tracks the provider to
which it is issued and can be invalidated.
AbstractShellCommand |
Base abstraction of Karaf shell commands.
AbstractStore<E extends Event,D extends StoreDelegate<E>> |
Base implementation of a store.
AbstractTopoMonitor |
Base class for the business logic of topology overlay "monitors".
AbstractWebApplication |
Base web application.
AbstractWebResource |
Abstract REST resource.
Accumulator<T> |
Abstraction of an accumulator capable of collecting items and at some
point in time triggers processing of all previously accumulated items.
AddHostToHostIntentCommand |
Installs host-to-host connectivity intent.
AddMultiPointToSinglePointIntentCommand |
Installs connectivity intent between multiple ingress devices and a single egress device.
AddPointToPointIntentCommand |
Installs point-to-point connectivity intents.
AddProtectedTransportIntentCommand |
Installs ProtectedTransportIntent.
AddSinglePointToMultiPointIntentCommand |
Installs connectivity intent between a single ingress device and multiple egress devices.
AddTestFlowsCommand |
Installs bulk flows.
AdjacencyListsGraph<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
Immutable graph implemented using adjacency lists.
Alarm |
Representation of an Alarm.
Alarm.SeverityLevel |
Represents the severity level on an alarm, as per ITU-T X.733
AlarmConsumer |
Abstraction of a device behaviour capable of retrieving/consuming list of
pending alarms from the device.
AlarmEntityId |
Immutable representation of a alarm source.
AlarmEvent |
Entity that represents Alarm events.
AlarmEvent.Type |
Type of alarm event.
AlarmId |
Alarm identifier suitable as an external key.
AlarmListener |
Entity capable of receiving alarm related events.
AlarmProvider |
Abstraction of an entity capable of supplying alarms collected from
network devices.
AlarmProviderRegistry |
Abstraction of a alarm provider registry.
AlarmProviderService |
The interface Alarm provider service.
AlarmService |
Service for interacting with the alarm handling of devices.
AlarmTranslator |
Abstraction of ability to translate device messages into alarms.
AllApplicationNamesCompleter |
All installed application name completer.
AllocationsCommand |
Lists allocated resources.
AllowedEntityConfig<S> |
Base abstraction for network entities for which admission into control
domain can be selectively configured, e.g.
Annotated |
Represents an entity that carries arbitrary annotations.
AnnotateDeviceCommand |
Annotates network device model.
AnnotateHostCommand |
Annotates host model.
AnnotateLinkCommand |
Annotates network link model.
AnnotatePortCommand |
Annotates network device port model.
AnnotationConstraint |
Constraint that evaluates an arbitrary link annotated value is under the specified threshold.
AnnotationKeys |
Collection of keys for annotation.
AnnotationKeysCompleter |
Annotations |
Represents an set of simple key/value string annotations.
AnnotationsSerializer |
AnnotationsUtil |
Utility for processing annotations.
ApiDocProvider |
Entity capable of providing REST API documentation resources.
ApiDocService |
Service for registering REST API documentation resources.
AppGuard |
Aids SM-ONOS to perform API-level permission checking.
AppIdFormatter |
Formats an application identifier as "(app-id) : (app-name)".
Application |
Abstraction of a network control/management application.
ApplicationAdminService |
Service for managing network control applications.
ApplicationArchive |
Facility for reading application archive stream and managing application
directory structure.
ApplicationCommand |
Manages application inventory.
ApplicationCommandCompleter |
Application command completer.
ApplicationDescription |
Description of a network control/management application.
ApplicationEvent |
Describes application lifecycle event.
ApplicationEvent.Type |
ApplicationException |
Represents class of errors related to application management.
ApplicationId |
Application identifier.
ApplicationIdListCommand |
Lists application ID information.
ApplicationIdStore |
Manages application IDs.
ApplicationIdStoreAdapter |
Adapter for testing against app id store.
ApplicationIdWithIntentNameCompleter |
Application name completer.
ApplicationListener |
Entity capable of receiving application related events.
ApplicationNameCompleter |
Application name completer.
ApplicationRole |
ApplicationService |
Service for inspecting inventory of network control applications.
ApplicationsListCommand |
Lists application information.
ApplicationState |
Representation of an application state.
ApplicationStore |
Service for managing network control applications.
ApplicationStoreDelegate |
Application store delegate abstraction.
AppPermission |
Implementation of API access permission.
AppPermission.Type |
Representation of an ARP Packet.
ArpHaCriterion |
Implementation of arp_eth_src address or arp_eth_dst address criterion.
ArpOpCriterion |
Implementation of arp operation type criterion.
ArpPacketClassifier |
ArpPaCriterion |
Implementation of arp spa or tpa address criterion.
ArraysAsListSerializer |
Kryo Serializer for Arrays.asList(Object...) .
AsymmetricPathConstraint |
Constraint that serves as a request for asymmetric bi-directional path.
AsyncAtomicCounter |
An async atomic counter dispenses monotonically increasing values.
AsyncAtomicCounterMap<K> |
An async atomic counter map dispenses monotonically increasing values associated with key.
AsyncAtomicIdGenerator |
An async ID generator for generating globally unique numbers.
AsyncAtomicValue<V> |
Distributed version of java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference.
AsyncConsistentMap<K,V> |
A distributed, strongly consistent map whose methods are all executed asynchronously.
AsyncConsistentMultimap<K,V> |
Interface for a distributed multimap.
AsyncConsistentTreeMap<V> |
API for a distributed tree map implementation.
AsyncDeviceFetcher |
Provides a means of asynchronously waiting on devices.
AsyncDistributedLock |
Asynchronous lock primitive.
AsyncDistributedSet<E> |
A distributed collection designed for holding unique elements.
AsyncDocumentTree<V> |
AsyncIterable<T> |
Asynchronously iterable object.
AsyncIterator<T> |
Asynchronous iterator.
AsyncLeaderElector |
Distributed mutual exclusion primitive.
AtomicCounter |
Distributed version of java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong.
AtomicCounterBuilder |
Builder for AtomicCounter.
AtomicCounterMap<K> |
Distributed version of
AtomicCounterMapBuilder<K> |
Builder for AtomicCounterMap.
AtomicCounterMapOptions<O extends AtomicCounterMapOptions<O,K>,K> |
Builder for AtomicCounterMap.
AtomicCounterOptions<O extends AtomicCounterOptions<O>> |
Options for AtomicCounter.
AtomicIdGenerator |
Generator for globally unique numeric identifiers.
AtomicIdGeneratorBuilder |
Builder for AtomicIdGenerator.
AtomicIdGeneratorOptions<O extends AtomicIdGeneratorOptions<O>> |
Options for AtomicIdGenerator.
AtomicValue<V> |
Distributed version of java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference.
AtomicValueBuilder<V> |
Builder for constructing new AtomicValue instances.
AtomicValueEvent<V> |
Representation of a AtomicValue update notification.
AtomicValueEvent.Type |
AtomicValueEvent type.
AtomicValueEventListener<V> |
Listener to be notified about updates to a AtomicValue.
AtomicValueOptions<O extends AtomicValueOptions<O,V>,V> |
Builder for constructing new AtomicValue instances.
AuditService |
Service for enabling audit logging.
Authentication |
Implements IPv6 authentication extension header format.
AuthorizationFilter |
Filter that performs authorization checks on all incoming REST API requests.
Backtrace |
RuntimeException object intended to used to log execution back trace.
BadRequestMapper |
Mapper for IO exceptions to the BAD_REQUEST response code.
BalanceMastersCommand |
Forces device mastership rebalancing.
Band |
Represents a band used within a meter.
Band.Builder |
Band.Type |
Specifies the type of band.
BandEntry |
Represents a stored band.
Bandwidth |
Representation of bandwidth.
BandwidthCapacity |
Configuration to specify maximum available bandwidth resource (Capacity) on a port.
BandwidthConstraint |
Constraint that evaluates links based on available bandwidths.
BandwidthProfile |
Implementation of a generic bandwidth profile (marker/policer).
BandwidthProfile.Builder |
Builder of BandwidthProfile entities.
BandwidthProfileAction |
Represents an action to be taken by a marker/policer.
BandwidthProfileAction.Action |
Denotes the type of action to be taken.
BandwidthProfileAction.Builder |
Builder of BandwidthProfileAction entities.
BandwidthProfileConfigBehaviour |
Means to configure bandwidth profiles on devices.
BaseConfig<S> |
BaseLink |
A simple concrete implementation of a BiLink .
BaseLinkMap |
BaseOptions |
Base class for hop-by-hop options and destination options.
BasePacket |
Base packet class.
BaseResource |
Base abstraction of a JAX-RS resource.
BasicDeviceConfig |
Basic configuration for network infrastructure devices.
BasicElementConfig<S> |
Basic configuration for network elements, e.g.
BasicFeatureConfig<S> |
Base abstraction for configuring feature on subject.
BasicHostConfig |
Basic configuration for network end-station hosts.
BasicLinkConfig |
Basic configuration for network infrastructure link.
BasicNetworkConfigService |
Service representing the availability of the basic network configs.
BasicRegionConfig |
Basic configuration for network regions.
BasicSystemOperations |
Handler behaviour capable of device reboot execution and getting system time since UNIX epoch.
BasicUiTopoLayoutConfig |
Basic configuration for UI topology layouts.
BatchOperation<T extends BatchOperationEntry<?,?>> |
A list of BatchOperationEntry.
BatchOperationEntry<T extends java.lang.Enum<?>,U> |
A super class for batch operation entry classes.
BatchOperationResult<T> |
Interface capturing the result of a batch operation.
Behaviour |
Representation of a facet of behaviour that can be used to talk about
an entity (in context of DriverData ) or to an entity (in context of
DriverHandler ).
BehaviourClassResolver |
Entity capable of resolving a class using its name.
BellmanFordGraphSearch<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
Bellman-Ford graph search algorithm for locating shortest-paths in
directed graphs that may contain negative cycles.
BgpConfig |
Configuration object for BGP config.
BgpConfig.BgpSpeakerConfig |
Configuration for a BGP speaker.
BiLink |
Representation of a link and its inverse, as a partial implementation.
BiLinkMap<B extends BiLink> |
Represents a collection of BiLink concrete classes.
BitSetSerializer |
Kryo serializer for BitSet .
BlockingAwareFuture<T> |
A CompletableFuture that tracks whether the future or one of its descendants has been blocked on
a CompletableFuture.get() or CompletableFuture.join() call.
BlockingBoolean |
Mutable boolean that allows threads to wait for a specified value.
BngProgrammable |
BNG programmable behavior.
BngProgrammable.Attachment |
Immutable representation of an attachment in the BNG context.
BngProgrammable.Attachment.AttachmentType |
Types of attachment.
BngProgrammable.BngCounterType |
Counters to implement BNG accounting.
BngProgrammable.BngProgrammableException |
An exception indicating a an error happened in the BNG programmable
BooleanConstraint |
Abstract base class for various constraints that evaluate link viability
in a yes/no fashion.
BoundedThreadPool |
Implementation of ThreadPoolExecutor that bounds the work queue.
BreadthFirstSearch<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
Implementation of the BFS algorithm.
BridgeConfig |
Behaviour for handling various drivers for bridge configurations.
BridgeDescription |
The abstraction of a bridge.
BridgeDescription.Builder |
Builder of bridge description entities.
BridgeDescription.FailMode |
BridgeName |
Represents for a bridge name.
ButtonId |
Designates the identity of a button on the topology view panels.
ByteArraySizeHashPrinter |
Helper to print byte[] length and hashCode.
ByteOperator |
Provide a set of byte operations.
CellComparator |
Defines a comparator for cell values.
CellFormatter |
Defines a formatter for cell values.
Change<T> |
Generic representation of an update.
ChannelSpacing |
Represents interval frequency between two neighboring wavelengths.
ChartModel |
A simple model of time series chart data.
ChartRequestHandler |
Message handler specifically for the chart views.
ChartUtils |
Provides static utility methods for dealing with charts.
ChassisId |
The class representing a network device chassisId.
CircuitId |
Representation of DHCP option 82 Circuit id.
CliComponent |
OSGI Component for the ONOS CLI.
ClosedOpenRange |
Represent a closed-open range.
CltSignalType |
Represents ODU (Optical channel Data Unit) client port signal type.
ClusterActivator |
ClusterAdminService |
Service for administering the cluster node membership.
ClusterCommunicationService |
Service for assisting communications between controller cluster nodes.
ClusterDevicesCommand |
Lists devices of the specified topology cluster in the current topology.
ClusterEvent |
Describes cluster-related event.
ClusterEvent.Type |
Type of cluster-related events.
ClusterEventListener |
Entity capable of receiving device cluster-related events.
ClusterId |
Representation of the topology cluster identity.
ClusterIdCompleter |
Cluster ID completer.
ClusterLinksCommand |
Lists links of the specified topology cluster in the current topology.
ClusterMessage |
Base message for cluster-wide communications.
ClusterMessageHandler |
ClusterMetadata |
Cluster metadata.
ClusterMetadataAdminService |
ClusterMetadataDiff |
ClusterMetadataEvent |
Describes a cluster metadata event.
ClusterMetadataEvent.Type |
Type of cluster metadata events.
ClusterMetadataEventListener |
Entity capable of receiving cluster metadata related events.
ClusterMetadataProvider |
ClusterMetadataProviderRegistry |
Abstraction of a cluster metadata provider registry.
ClusterMetadataProviderService |
Service through which a provider can notify core of
updates made to cluster metadata.
ClusterMetadataService |
ClusterService |
Service for obtaining information about the individual nodes within the controller cluster.
ClustersListCommand |
Lists all clusters in the current topology.
ClusterStore |
Manages inventory of controller cluster nodes; not intended for direct use.
ClusterStoreDelegate |
Cluster store delegate abstraction.
CodecContext |
Context for codecs to use while encoding/decoding.
CodecService |
Service for registering and retrieving JSON codecs for various entities.
CommitStatus |
Completion status of transaction.
CommunityName |
Representation of an SNMP community name authentication token.
Comparators |
Various comparators.
CompletedBatchOperation |
Representation of a completed flow rule batch operation.
ComponentConfigCommand |
Manages component configuration.
ComponentConfigCommandCompleter |
Component configuration command completer.
ComponentConfigEvent |
Describes a component configuration event.
ComponentConfigEvent.Type |
ComponentConfigService |
Service for tracking system-wide configurations for various software components.
ComponentConfigStore |
Service for storing and distributing system-wide configurations for various
software components.
ComponentConfigStoreDelegate |
Configuration property store delegate abstraction.
ComponentNameCompleter |
Component name completer.
ComponentPropertyNameCompleter |
Component property name completer.
ComponentService |
Service for managing the components in the system.
ComponentsMonitorService |
Monitors the status of OSGi components.
Config<S> |
Base abstraction of a configuration facade for a specific subject.
Config.FieldPresence |
Indicator of whether a configuration JSON field is required.
ConfigApplyDelegate |
Delegate for notification when configuration changes have been applied.
ConfigException |
Signals that an error was encountered while reading/writing configuration.
ConfigFactory<S,C extends Config<S>> |
Base abstract factory for creating configurations for the specified subject type.
ConfigGetter |
Behaviour that gets the configuration of the specified type from the device.
ConfigKeyCompleter |
Network configuration config key completer.
ConfigOperator |
An interface signifying a class that implements network configuration
information from multiple sources.
ConfigProperty |
Component configuration property.
ConfigProperty.Type |
Representation of the type of property value.
ConfigSetter |
Behaviour that sets the configuration to a device.
ConfigureLinkCommand |
Add Link configuration.
ConnectivityIntent |
Abstraction of connectivity intent for traffic matching some criteria.
ConnectivityIntent.Builder |
Abstract builder for connectivity intents.
ConnectivityIntentCommand |
Base class for command line operations for connectivity based intents.
ConnectPoint |
Abstraction of a network connection point expressed as a pair of the
network element identifier and port number.
ConnectPointCompleter |
ConnectPoint completer.
ConnectPointFormatter |
Formats a connect point as "(element-id)/(port)".
ConnectPointSerializer |
ConsistentMap<K,V> |
ConsistentMap provides the same functionality as AsyncConsistentMap with
the only difference that all its methods block until the corresponding operation completes.
ConsistentMapBackedJavaMap<K,V> |
ConsistentMapBuilder<K,V> |
ConsistentMapException |
Top level exception for ConsistentMap failures.
ConsistentMapException.ConcurrentModification |
ConsistentMap update conflicts with an in flight transaction.
ConsistentMapException.Interrupted |
ConsistentMap operation interrupted.
ConsistentMapException.Timeout |
ConsistentMap operation timeout.
ConsistentMapOptions<O extends ConsistentMapOptions<O,K,V>,K,V> |
ConsistentMultimap<K,V> |
ConsistentMultimapBuilder<K,V> |
A builder class for AsyncConsistentMultimap .
ConsistentMultimapOptions<O extends ConsistentMultimapOptions<O,K,V>,K,V> |
A builder class for AsyncConsistentMultimap .
ConsistentTreeMap<V> |
ConsistentTreeMapBuilder<V> |
ConsistentTreeMapOptions<O extends ConsistentTreeMapOptions<O,V>,V> |
Constraint |
Representation of a connectivity constraint capable of evaluating a link
and determining the cost of traversing that link in the context of this
ContinuousFactory |
Factory class for continuous-type resource related instances.
ContinuousResource |
Represents a resource path which specifies a resource which can be measured
as continuous value.
ContinuousResourceId |
ControllerConfig |
Device behaviour to obtain, set and remove controllers at the device.
ControllerInfo |
Represents information for a device to connect to a controller.
ControllerNode |
Represents a controller instance as a member in a cluster.
ControllerNode.State |
Represents the operational state of the instance.
ControllerNodeToNodeId |
Function to convert ControllerNode to NodeId.
ControlLoad |
Data repository for control plane load information.
ControlLoadSnapshot |
A container class that is used to wrap the control metric response.
ControlMessage |
Abstraction of control message.
ControlMessage.Type |
ControlMessageAdminService |
Service for administering the control message monitoring.
ControlMessageEvent |
Describes control message event.
ControlMessageEvent.Type |
Type of control message events.
ControlMessageListener |
Entity capable of receiving control message related event.
ControlMessageProvider |
Abstraction of a control message provider.
ControlMessageProviderRegistry |
Abstraction of a control message provider registry.
ControlMessageProviderService |
Service through which control message providers can inject control message
stats into the core.
ControlMessageService |
Service for obtaining control message statistic information.
ControlMessageStore |
Manages inventory of control message.
ControlMessageStoreDelegate |
Control message store delegate abstraction.
ControlMetric |
Include various control plane metrics.
ControlMetricsRequest |
A container class that is used to request control metric of remote node.
ControlMetricType |
A set of metric type used in control plane.
ControlPlaneMonitorService |
Control Plane Statistics Service Interface.
ControlPlaneService |
Control Plane Service interface.
ControlProtocolVersion |
ControlResource |
A set of resource type used in control plane.
ControlResource.Type |
Control resource type.
ControlResourceRequest |
A container class that is used to request available resource of remote node.
CoordinationService |
Cross-version storage/coordination service.
CoreService |
Service for interacting with the core system of the controller.
CountDownCompleter<T> |
A synchronization utility that defers invocation of a consumer
callback until a set number of actions tracked by a long counter complete.
Counter |
Counting mechanism capable of tracking occurrences and rates.
CounterCommand |
Command to display the current value of a atomic counter.
CountersListCommand |
Command to list the various counters in the system.
Criteria |
Factory class to create various traffic selection criteria.
Criterion |
Representation of a single header field selection.
Criterion.IPv6ExthdrFlags |
Bit definitions for IPv6 Extension Header pseudo-field.
Criterion.TcpFlags |
Criterion.Type |
Types of fields to which the selection criterion may apply.
Data |
DataPlaneEntity |
Generic abstraction to hold dataplane entities.
DataPlaneEntity.Type |
Types of entity.
DataRateUnit |
Data rate unit.
DefaultAlarm |
Default implementation of an alarm.
DefaultAlarm.Builder |
Builder for the DefaultAlarm object.
DefaultAnnotations |
Represents a set of simple annotations that can be used to add arbitrary
attributes to various parts of the data model.
DefaultAnnotations.Builder |
Facility for gradually building model annotations.
DefaultApplication |
Default implementation of network control/management application descriptor.
DefaultApplication.Builder |
Default application builder.
DefaultApplicationDescription |
Default implementation of network control/management application descriptor.
DefaultApplicationDescription.Builder |
Default application description builder.
DefaultApplicationId |
Application identifier.
DefaultApplicationIdSerializer |
DefaultAtomicCounter |
DefaultAtomicCounterMap<K> |
Default implementation of AtomicCounterMap .
DefaultAtomicIdGenerator |
DefaultAtomicValue<V> |
DefaultBand |
A default implementation for a Band.
DefaultBand.Builder |
DefaultBridgeDescription |
The default implementation of bridge.
DefaultBridgeDescription.Builder |
DefaultCellComparator |
A default cell comparator.
DefaultCellFormatter |
A default cell formatter.
DefaultConsistentMap<K,V> |
Default implementation of ConsistentMap .
DefaultConsistentMultimap<K,V> |
DefaultConsistentTreeMap<V> |
DefaultControllerNode |
Default implementation of a controller instance descriptor.
DefaultControlMessage |
Default control message implementation.
DefaultDevice |
Default infrastructure device model implementation.
DefaultDeviceDescription |
Default implementation of immutable device description entity.
DefaultDeviceInterfaceDescription |
Basic implementation of description of a legacy device interface.
DefaultDisjointPath |
Default implementation of a network disjoint path pair.
DefaultDistributedLock |
DefaultDistributedSet<E> |
DefaultDocumentTree<V> |
DefaultDriver |
Default implementation of extensible driver.
DefaultDriverData |
Default implementation of driver data descriptor.
DefaultDriverHandler |
Default implementation of driver handler.
DefaultDriverProvider |
Default driver provider implementation.
DefaultDriverProviderService |
DefaultEdgeLink |
Default edge link model implementation.
DefaultEdgeWeigher<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
Default weigher returns identical weight for every graph edge.
DefaultEventSinkRegistry |
Base implementation of event sink registry.
DefaultFilteringObjective |
Default implementation of a filtering objective.
DefaultFilteringObjective.Builder |
DefaultFlowEntry |
DefaultFlowRule |
Default flow rule.
DefaultFlowRule.Builder |
Default flow rule builder.
DefaultForwardingObjective |
Default implementation of a forwarding objective.
DefaultForwardingObjective.Builder |
DefaultGraphDescription |
Default implementation of an immutable topology graph data carrier.
DefaultGroup |
ONOS implementation of default group that is stored in the system.
DefaultGroupBucket |
Group bucket implementation.
DefaultGroupDescription |
Default implementation of group description interface.
DefaultGroupKey |
Default implementation of group key interface.
DefaultHashMap<K,V> |
HashMap that returns a default value for unmapped keys.
DefaultHost |
A basic implementation of a Host.
DefaultHostDescription |
Default implementation of an immutable host description.
DefaultInboundPacket |
Default implementation of an immutable inbound packet.
DefaultLeaderElector |
DefaultLink |
Default infrastructure link model implementation.
DefaultLink.Builder |
Builder for DefaultLink objects.
DefaultLinkDescription |
Default implementation of immutable link description entity.
DefaultLinkSerializer |
DefaultLoad |
Implementation of a load.
DefaultMeter |
A default implementation of a meter.
DefaultMeter.Builder |
DefaultMeterFeatures |
Default implementation of MeterFeatures.
DefaultMeterFeatures.Builder |
A DefaultMeterFeatures builder.
DefaultMeterRequest |
A default implementation of a meter.
DefaultMeterRequest.Builder |
DefaultMirroringDescription |
Default implementation of mirroring description entity.
DefaultMutablePath<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
Simple concrete implementation of a directed graph path.
DefaultNeighbourMessageHandler |
Default neighbour message handler which implements basic proxying on an
L2 network (i.e.
DefaultNextGroup |
Default implementation of a next group.
DefaultNextObjective |
Default implementation of a next objective.
DefaultNextObjective.Builder |
DefaultNextTreatment |
Represents a next action specified by traffic treatment.
DefaultObjectiveContext |
Implementation of objective context that delegates calls to provided
DefaultOchSignalComparator |
Comparator implementation for OchSignal.
DefaultOutboundPacket |
Default implementation of an immutable outbound packet.
DefaultOutboundPacketSerializer |
Serializer for a default outbound packet.
DefaultPacketContext |
Default implementation of a packet context.
DefaultPacketInFilter |
Default implementation of a packet-in filter.
DefaultPacketRequest |
Default implementation of a packet request.
DefaultPartition |
DefaultPatchDescription |
Default implementation of immutable patch interface description entity.
DefaultPatchDescription.Builder |
DefaultPath<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
Simple concrete implementation of a directed graph path.
DefaultPath |
Default implementation of a network path.
DefaultPiPipeconf |
Default pipeconf implementation.
DefaultPiPipeconf.Builder |
Builder of pipeconf implementations.
DefaultPolicer |
Default implementation of the policer interface.
DefaultPolicer.Builder |
Implementation of the policer builder interface.
DefaultPort |
Default port implementation.
DefaultPortDescription |
Default implementation of immutable port description.
DefaultPortDescription.Builder |
DefaultPortSerializer |
DefaultPortStatistics |
Default implementation of immutable port statistics.
DefaultPortStatistics.Builder |
DefaultQosDescription |
Default implementation of Qos description entity.
DefaultQosDescription.Builder |
DefaultQueueDescription |
Default implementation of Queue description entity.
DefaultQueueDescription.Builder |
DefaultRegion |
Default implementation of a region.
DefaultServiceDirectory |
Default implementation of the service directory using OSGi framework utilities.
DefaultTableStatisticsEntry |
Default implementation of table statistics entry interface.
DefaultTableStatisticsEntry.Builder |
DefaultTokenBucket |
Default implementation of the token bucket interface.
DefaultTokenBucket.Builder |
Implementation of the token bucket builder interface.
DefaultTopology |
Default implementation of the topology descriptor.
DefaultTopologyCluster |
Default implementation of a network topology cluster.
DefaultTopologyEdge |
Implementation of the topology edge backed by a link.
DefaultTopologyGraph |
Default implementation of an immutable topology graph based on a generic
implementation of adjacency lists graph.
DefaultTopologyVertex |
Implementation of the topology vertex backed by a device id.
DefaultTrafficSelector |
Default traffic selector implementation.
DefaultTrafficSelector.Builder |
Builder of traffic selector entities.
DefaultTrafficTreatment |
Default traffic treatment implementation.
DefaultTrafficTreatment.Builder |
Builds a list of treatments following the following order.
DefaultTunnelDescription |
Default implementation of immutable tunnel interface description entity.
DefaultTunnelDescription.Builder |
DefaultTypedFlowEntry |
Default flow entry class with FlowLiveType value, IMMEDIATE_FLOW, SHORT_FLOW, MID_FLOW, LONG_FLOW.
DepthFirstSearch<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
DFS graph search algorithm implemented via iteration rather than recursion.
DepthFirstSearch.EdgeType |
Graph edge types as classified by the DFS algorithm.
Description |
Base abstraction of a piece of information about network elements.
DeserializationException |
Signals that an error occurred during deserialization of a packet.
Deserializer<U extends IPacket> |
Function to deserialize a packet from a byte-based input stream.
DestinationOptions |
Implements IPv6 Destination Options extension header format.
Device |
Representation of a network infrastructure device.
Device.Type |
Coarse classification of the type of the infrastructure device.
DeviceAdminService |
Service for administering the inventory of infrastructure devices.
DeviceAgentEvent |
Describes and event related to a protocol agent used to interact with an
infrastructure device.
DeviceAgentEvent.Type |
Type of device events.
DeviceAgentListener |
A listener to receive events related to a protocol agent controlling an
infrastructure device.
DeviceAlarmConfig |
Abstraction of a device behaviour capable of translating a list of
alarms from a device.
DeviceAnnotationConfig |
Configuration to add extra annotations to a device via netcfg subsystem.
DeviceClockService |
Interface for a logical clock service that vends per device timestamps.
DeviceConfigOperator |
DeviceConnect |
Abstraction of handler behaviour used to set-up and tear-down connections
with a device.
DeviceControllersCommand |
Sets role of the controller node for the given infrastructure device.
DeviceCpuStats |
A representation of cpu stats of device.
DeviceDescription |
Carrier of immutable information about a device.
DeviceDescriptionDiscovery |
Handler behaviour capable of creating device and port descriptions.
DeviceDriversCommand |
DeviceEvent |
Describes infrastructure device event.
DeviceEvent.Type |
Type of device events.
DeviceHandshaker |
Behavior to test device's reachability and change the mastership role on that
DeviceHighlight |
Denotes the highlighting to be applied to a device.
DeviceId |
Immutable representation of a device identity.
DeviceIdCompleter |
Device ID completer.
DeviceIdSerializer |
DeviceInjectionConfig |
Config to inject a Device.
DeviceInterfaceAddCommand |
Configures a device interface.
DeviceInterfaceDescription |
The description of an interface used for legacy devices.
DeviceInterfaceDescription.Mode |
Represents the type of operation of the interface.
DeviceInterfaceRemoveCommand |
Removes an interface configurion from a device.
DeviceInterfacesListCommand |
Lists all interfaces or interfaces of a device.
DeviceKey |
Abstraction of a device key.
DeviceKey.Type |
type of the device key.
DeviceKeyAddCommand |
Adds a device key.
DeviceKeyAdminService |
Service for managing device keys.
DeviceKeyEvent |
Describes device key events.
DeviceKeyEvent.Type |
Type of device key events.
DeviceKeyId |
Device key identifier backed by a string value.
DeviceKeyListCommand |
Lists all device keys.
DeviceKeyListener |
Listener for device key related events.
DeviceKeyRemoveCommand |
Removes a device key.
DeviceKeyService |
Service for querying device keys.
DeviceKeyStore |
Manages inventory of device keys; not intended for direct use.
DeviceKeyStoreDelegate |
Device key store delegate abstraction.
DeviceListener |
Entity capable of receiving infrastructure device related events.
DeviceMemoryStats |
A representation of memory stats of device.
DevicePortsListCommand |
Lists all ports or all ports of a device.
DevicePortsRemoveCommand |
Removes an infrastructure device.
DevicePortStateCommand |
Administratively enables or disabled a port on a device.
DevicePortStatsCommand |
Lists port statistic of all ports in the system.
DeviceProvider |
Abstraction of a device information provider.
DeviceProviderRegistry |
Abstraction of a device provider registry.
DeviceProviderService |
Service through which device providers can inject device information into
the core.
DeviceRebootCommand |
Administratively reboots device.
DeviceRemoveCommand |
Removes an infrastructure device.
DeviceRoleCommand |
Sets role of the controller node for the given infrastructure device.
DevicesDiscovery |
Handler behaviour capable of managing a set of forwarding plane devices.
DeviceService |
Service for interacting with the inventory of infrastructure devices.
DeviceServiceAdapter |
Test adapter for device service.
DeviceSetControllersCommand |
Sets role of the controller node for the given infrastructure device.
DevicesListCommand |
Lists all infrastructure devices.
DeviceStore |
Manages inventory of infrastructure devices; not intended for direct use.
DeviceStoreDelegate |
Infrastructure device store delegate abstraction.
DeviceSystemStatisticsQuery |
A HandlerBehaviour to get System Stats for the Device.
DeviceSystemStats |
A representation of system stats of device.
DeviceTimeCommand |
Gets time since epoch.
Representation of an DHCP Packet.
DHCP.DHCPOptionCode |
DHCP.MsgType |
Representation of an DHCPv6 Packet.
DHCP6.MsgType |
DHCPv6 message type.
DHCP6.OptionCode |
DHCPv6 option code.
Dhcp6ClientDataOption |
DHCPv6 Client Data Option.
Dhcp6ClientIdOption |
DHCPv6 Client Identifier Option.
Dhcp6CLTOption |
Dhcp6DirectPacketClassifier |
Dhcp6Duid |
Dhcp6Duid.DuidType |
Dhcp6IaAddressOption |
IA Address option for DHCPv6.
Dhcp6IaNaOption |
DHCPv6 Identity Association for Non-temporary Addresses Option.
Dhcp6IaPdOption |
DHCPv6 Identity Association for Prefix Delegation Option.
Dhcp6IaPrefixOption |
IA Address option for DHCPv6.
Dhcp6IaTaOption |
Dhcp6IndirectPacketClassifier |
Dhcp6InterfaceIdOption |
Relay option for DHCPv6.
Dhcp6LeaseQueryOption |
DHCPv6 Lease Query Option.
Dhcp6Option |
Representation of an DHCPv6 Option.
Dhcp6RelayOption |
Relay option for DHCPv6.
DhcpOption |
Default DHCP option.
DhcpPacketClassifier |
DhcpRelayAgentOption |
Representation of DHCP relay agent option (option 82).
DhcpRelayAgentOption.RelayAgentInfoOptions |
DhcpService |
DHCP Service Interface.
DhcpStore |
DHCPStore Interface.
DijkstraGraphSearch<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
Dijkstra shortest-path graph search algorithm capable of finding not just
one, but all shortest paths between the source and destinations.
Direction |
Represents a direction.
DiscreteFactory |
Factory class for discrete-type resource related instances.
DiscreteResource |
Represents a resource path which specifies a resource which can be measured
as a discrete unit.
DiscreteResourceCodec<T> |
Represents the common interface to encode an object of the specified type to an integer,
and to decode an integer to an object of the specified type.
DiscreteResourceId |
DisjointPath |
Representation of a contiguous directed path in a network.
DisjointPathPair<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
Pair of disjoint paths.
DistributedApplicationStore |
Manages inventory of applications in a distributed data store providing
stronger consistency guarantees.
DistributedApplicationStore.InternalState |
DistributedComponentConfigStore |
Manages inventory of component configurations in a distributed data store
that provides strong sequential consistency guarantees.
DistributedLock |
Asynchronous lock primitive.
DistributedLockBuilder |
Builder for DistributedLock.
DistributedLockOptions<O extends DistributedLockOptions<O>> |
Builder for DistributedLock.
DistributedPrimitive |
Interface for all distributed primitives.
DistributedPrimitive.Status |
Status of distributed primitive.
DistributedPrimitive.Type |
Type of distributed primitive.
DistributedPrimitiveBuilder<T extends DistributedPrimitive> |
Abstract builder for distributed primitives.
DistributedPrimitiveCreator |
Interface for entity that can create instances of different distributed primitives.
DistributedPrimitiveOptions<O extends DistributedPrimitiveOptions<O>> |
Abstract builder for distributed primitives.
DistributedSet<E> |
A distributed collection designed for holding unique elements.
DistributedSetBuilder<E> |
Builder for distributed set.
DistributedSetOptions<O extends DistributedSetOptions<O,E>,E> |
Builder for distributed set.
DistributedStoreSerializers |
DocumentException |
Exceptions for use by the DocumentTree and DocumentPath .
DocumentException.Interrupted |
DocumentTree operation interrupted.
DocumentException.Timeout |
DocumentTree operation timeout.
DocumentPath |
DocumentTree<V> |
DocumentTreeBuilder<V> |
DocumentTreeEvent<V> |
A document tree modification event.
DocumentTreeEvent.Type |
Nature of document tree node change.
DocumentTreeListener<V> |
DocumentTreeNode<V> |
A DocumentTree node.
DocumentTreeOptions<O extends DocumentTreeOptions<O,V>,V> |
DomainConstraint |
This constraint is a flag and tells the compiler that it is allowed to generate
DomainIntent .
DomainId |
Representation of a domain identity.
DomainIdCompleter |
Domain ID completer.
DomainIntent |
Intents targeting a domain network.
DomainIntent.Builder |
Abstract builder for connectivity intents.
DomainIntentConfigurable |
Behaviour to manages the intent in a network domain.
DomainIntentOperation |
Representation of an intent operation on a network domain.
DomainIntentOperation.Type |
Type of domain intent operations.
DomainIntentOperations |
A batch of domain intent operations that are broken into stages.
DomainIntentOperations.Builder |
A builder for constructing domain intent operations.
DomainIntentOperationsContext |
Represents domain intent that does nothing on success or on error.
DomainIntentService |
Service used to submit and remove intent domains.
DomainPointToPointIntent |
Representation of a point to point intent targeting a domain.
DomainPointToPointIntent.Builder |
Builder of a point to point domain intent.
DomainService |
Service to access domain topology elements.
Driver |
Representation of a specific family of device drivers.
DriverAdminService |
Service for managing drivers and driver behaviour implementations.
DriverData |
Container for data about an entity, e.g.
DriverEvent |
Driver configuration change event.
DriverEvent.Type |
Type of driver events.
DriverHandler |
Representation of context for interacting with a device.
DriverListener |
Entity capable of receiving driver related events.
DriverNameCompleter |
Device driver name completer.
DriverPrimordialResolver |
Entity capable of resolving a driver using the primordial information of
the manufacturer, hardware name/version and software version.
DriverProvider |
Represents entity capable of providing device drivers and their
DriverProvidersListCommand |
Lists device drivers.
DriverRegistry |
Service for obtaining drivers and driver behaviour implementations.
DriverResolver |
Entity capable of resolving a driver using its name.
DriverService |
Service for obtaining drivers and driver behaviour implementations.
DriversListCommand |
Lists device drivers.
DscpClass |
Represents the DiffServ classes defined by the IPv4/IPv6 DSCP value.
EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol) packet.
EAPOL (Extensible Authentication Protocol over LAN) header.
EAPOLMkpdu |
EAPOL MKA (EAPOL MAC Key Agreement Protocol) header.
EAPOLMkpduBasicParameterSet |
Class representing EAPOL MKPDU Basic Parameter Set.
EAPOLMkpduBasicParameterSet.SCI |
MKA Secure Channel Identifier.
EAPOLMkpduDistributedSAKParameterSet |
Class representing MKPDU MACSec SAK Use Parameter Set (GCM-AES 128).
EAPOLMkpduDistributedSAKParameterSet.KeyWrapper |
EAPOLMkpduICVIndicatorParameterSet |
Class representing MKPDU ICV Indicator.
EAPOLMkpduMACSecUseParameterSet |
Class representing MKPDU MACSec SAK Use Parameter Set.
EAPOLMkpduParameterSet |
Class representing EAPOL MKPDU Parameter Set.
EAPOLMkpduPeerListParameterSet |
Class representing MKPDU Live/Potential Peer List Parameter Set.
EAPOLMkpduPeerListParameterSet.MemberDetails |
Edge<V extends Vertex> |
Representation of a graph edge.
EdgeLink |
Abstraction of a link between an end-station host and the network
EdgePortEvent |
Describes an event pertaining to edge-port inventory.
EdgePortEvent.Type |
EdgePortListener |
Entity capable of receiving edge port events.
EdgePortService |
Service for interacting with an inventory of network edge ports.
EdgePortsListCommand |
Lists all edge ports.
EdgeWeigher<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
Abstraction of a graph edge weight function.
Element |
Base abstraction of a network element, i.e.
ElementId |
Immutable representation of a network element identity.
EncapSecurityPayload |
Implements IPv6 Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) extension header format.
EncapsulationConstraint |
Encapsulation to manage core transportation.
EncapsulationType |
EncapTypeCompleter |
Encapsulation type completer.
Endpoint |
Representation of a TCP/UDP communication end point.
EntityNotFoundMapper |
Mapper for service not found exceptions to the NOT_FOUND response code.
EnumFormatter |
Formats enum types to be readable strings.
EthCriterion |
Implementation of MAC address criterion.
Ethernet |
Ethernet Packet.
EthType |
Representation of an Ethertype.
EthType |
Allowed values for Ethernet types.
EthType.EtherType |
A list of known ethertypes.
EthTypeCompleter |
Ethernet type completer.
EthTypeCriterion |
Implementation of Ethernet type criterion (16 bits unsigned integer).
Event<T extends java.lang.Enum,S> |
Abstraction of an of a time-stamped event pertaining to an arbitrary subject.
EventDeliveryService |
Abstraction of an entity capable of accepting events to be posted and
then dispatching them to the appropriate event sink.
EventDispatcher |
Abstraction of a mechanism capable of accepting and dispatching events to
appropriate event sinks.
EventFilter<E extends Event> |
Entity capable of filtering events.
EventListener<E extends Event> |
Entity capable of receiving events.
EventMetric |
Metric measurements for events.
EventSink<E extends Event> |
Abstraction of an event sink capable of processing the specified event types.
EventSinkRegistry |
Abstraction of an event sink registry capable of tracking sinks based on
their event class.
EventuallyConsistentMap<K,V> |
A distributed, eventually consistent map.
EventuallyConsistentMapBuilder<K,V> |
Builder for eventually consistent maps.
EventuallyConsistentMapEvent<K,V> |
Representation of a EventuallyConsistentMap update notification.
EventuallyConsistentMapEvent.Type |
EventuallyConsistentMapListener<K,V> |
Listener to be notified about updates to a EventuallyConsistentMap.
ExceptionTest |
Base for exception tests.
ExtendedSet<E> |
A Set providing additional get, insertOrReplace and conditionalRemove methods.
Extension |
An extension to the northbound APIs.
ExtensionCriterion |
Criterion for implementing selector extensions.
ExtensionCriterionSerializer |
Serializer for extension criteria.
ExtensionInstructionSerializer |
Serializer for extension instructions.
ExtensionPropertyException |
Exception indicating there was an error while setting/getting an extension
instruction property.
ExtensionSelector |
An extension for the selector API.
ExtensionSelectorCodec |
Interface for encode and decode extension selector.
ExtensionSelectorResolver |
Provides access to the extension selectors implemented by this driver.
ExtensionSelectorType |
Type of selector extensions.
ExtensionSelectorType.ExtensionSelectorTypes |
A list of well-known named extension selector type codes.
ExtensionTreatment |
An extension for the treatment API.
ExtensionTreatmentCodec |
Interface for encode and decode extension treatment.
ExtensionTreatmentResolver |
Provides access to the extension treatments implemented by this driver.
ExtensionTreatmentType |
Type of treatment extensions.
ExtensionTreatmentType.ExtensionTreatmentTypes |
A list of well-known named extension instruction type codes.
ExtHeader |
Known values for IPv6 extension header field that can be supplied to the CLI.
ExtHeaderCompleter |
IPv6 extension header completer.
FilePathValidator |
Utilities for validation of Zip files.
FilteredConnectPoint |
Connection point with TrafficSelector field.
FilteredConnectPointSerializer |
FilteringObjective |
Represents a filtering flow objective.
FilteringObjective.Builder |
Builder of Filtering objective entities.
FilteringObjective.Type |
FilteringObjQueueKey |
Filtering objective queue key.
FlowEntry |
Represents a generalized match & action pair to be applied to
an infrastructure device.
FlowEntry.FlowEntryState |
FlowEntry.FlowLiveType |
FlowEntryWithLoad |
Load of flow entry with flow live type.
FlowId |
Representation of a Flow ID.
FlowObjectiveCompositionCommand |
Manages FlowObjectiveComposition policy.
FlowObjectiveIntent |
Intent expressed as (and backed by) a collection of flow objectives through
which the intent is to be accomplished.
FlowObjectiveNextListCommand |
Returns a mapping of FlowObjective next-ids to the groups that get created
by a device driver.
FlowObjectivePendingNextCommand |
Returns a list of FlowObjective next-ids waiting to get created by device-drivers.
FlowObjectiveQueueClearCommand |
Clear flow objective that are waiting for the completion of previous objective with the same key.
FlowObjectiveQueueListCommand |
Displays flow objective that are waiting for the completion of previous objective with the same key.
FlowObjectiveService |
Service for programming data plane flow rules in manner independent of
specific device table pipeline configuration.
FlowObjectiveStore |
The flow objective store.
FlowObjectiveStoreDelegate |
Flow Objective store delegate abstraction.
FlowRule |
Represents a generalized match & action pair to be applied to an
infrastructure device.
FlowRule.Builder |
A flowrule builder.
FlowRule.FlowRemoveReason |
Reason for flow parameter received from switches.
FlowRuleBatchEntry |
Deprecated. |
FlowRuleBatchEntry.FlowRuleOperation |
FlowRuleBatchEvent |
Deprecated. |
FlowRuleBatchEvent.Type |
Type of flow rule events.
FlowRuleBatchOperation |
Deprecated. |
FlowRuleBatchRequest |
Deprecated. |
FlowRuleEvent |
Describes flow rule event.
FlowRuleEvent.Type |
Type of flow rule events.
FlowRuleIntent |
An intent that enables to tell flow level operation.
FlowRuleListener |
Entity capable of receiving flow rule related events.
FlowRuleOperation |
Representation of an operation on a flow rule table.
FlowRuleOperation.Type |
Type of flow table operations.
FlowRuleOperations |
A batch of flow rule operations that are broken into stages.
FlowRuleOperations.Builder |
A builder for constructing flow rule operations.
FlowRuleOperationsContext |
The context of a flow rule operations that will become the subject of
the notification.
FlowRuleProgrammable |
Flow rule programmable device behaviour.
FlowRuleProvider |
Abstraction of a flow rule provider.
FlowRuleProviderRegistry |
Abstraction for a flow rule provider registry.
FlowRuleProviderService |
Service through which flow rule providers can inject information into
the core.
FlowRuleService |
Service for injecting flow rules into the environment and for obtaining
information about flow rules already in the environment.
FlowRuleStatusCompleter |
Flow rule status completer.
FlowRuleStore |
Manages inventory of flow rules; not intended for direct use.
FlowRuleStoreDelegate |
Flow rule store delegate abstraction.
FlowRuleStoreException |
Top level exception for FlowRuleStore failures.
FlowRuleStoreException.Interrupted |
Flowrule store operation interrupted.
FlowRuleStoreException.Timeout |
Flowrule store operation timeout.
FlowsListCommand |
Lists all currently-known flows.
FlowStatisticService |
Service for obtaining individual flow statistic information about device and link in the system.
FlowStatisticStore |
Flow Store to house the computed statistics.
ForbiddenMapper |
Mapper for service not found exceptions to the NOT_FOUND response code.
ForwardingDevice |
A Device which forwards all its method calls to another Device.
ForwardingDeviceService |
A DeviceService which forwards all its method calls to another DeviceService.
ForwardingObjective |
Represents a description of which types of traffic need to
be forwarded through the device.
ForwardingObjective.Builder |
A forwarding objective builder.
ForwardingObjective.Flag |
Represents whether this objective is monolithic or
may be broken down into parts.
ForwardingObjQueueKey |
Forwarding objective queue key.
ForwardingPort |
A Port which forwards all its method calls to another Port.
Fragment |
Implements IPv6 fragment extension header format.
Frequency |
Class representing frequency.
Generator<T> |
Generator class that yields instances of T type objects as soon as they are ready.
GeoDistanceLinkWeight |
Link weight for measuring link cost using the geo distance between link
vertices as determined by the element longitude/latitude annotation.
GeoLocation |
Geo location specified in terms of longitude and latitude.
GetDomainsCommand |
Gets the complete list of domain IDs.
GetFlowStatisticsCommand |
Fetches flow statistics with a flow type and instruction type.
GetStatisticsCommand |
Fetches statistics.
GlyphConstants |
Defines constants for standard glyph identifiers.
Graph<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge> |
Abstraction of a directed graph structure.
GraphDescription |
Describes attribute(s) of a network graph.
GraphPathSearch<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
Representation of a graph path search algorithm.
GraphPathSearch.Result<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
Abstraction of a path search result.
GraphSearch<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
Representation of a graph search algorithm and its outcome.
GraphSearch.Result<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
Notion of a graph search result.
GridType |
Represents type of wavelength grid.
Group |
ONOS representation of group that is stored in the system.
Group.GroupState |
State of the group object in ONOS.
GroupBucket |
Group Bucket definition.
GroupBuckets |
Immutable collection of group bucket.
GroupDescription |
ONOS representation of group description that is used to create
a group.
GroupDescription.Type |
Types of the group supported by ONOS.
GroupedThreadFactory |
Thread factory for creating threads that belong to the specified thread group.
GroupEvent |
Describes group events.
GroupEvent.Type |
Type of flow rule events.
GroupId |
Group identifier.
GroupKey |
Representation of generalized Key that would be used to store
groups in < Key, Value > store.
GroupListener |
Entity capable of receiving Group related events.
GroupOperation |
Group operation definition to be used between core and provider
layers of group subsystem.
GroupOperation.GroupMsgErrorCode |
Possible error codes for a failure of a group operation.
GroupOperation.Type |
GroupOperations |
Immutable collection of group operation to be used between
core and provider layers of group subsystem.
GroupProgrammable |
Group programmable device behaviour.
GroupProvider |
Abstraction of group provider.
GroupProviderRegistry |
Abstraction for a group provider registry.
GroupProviderService |
Service through which Group providers can inject information into
the core.
GroupService |
Service for create/update/delete "group" in the devices.
GroupsListCommand |
Lists all groups in the system.
GroupStatusCompleter |
Group status completer.
GroupStore |
Manages inventory of groups per device; not intended for direct use.
GroupStore.UpdateType |
GroupStoreDelegate |
Group store delegate abstraction.
GroupTypeCompleter |
Group status completer.
GuavaCollectors |
Implementations of Collector that implement various useful reduction
operations, such as accumulating elements into Guava collections.
HandlerBehaviour |
Representation of a facet of behaviour that can be used to interact
with an entity (in context of DriverHandler ).
HashedPathSelectionConstraint |
A constraint for intent.hashCode() based path selection.
Heap<T> |
Implementation of an array-backed heap structure whose sense of order is
imposed by the provided comparator.
HexDump |
HexFormatter |
Formats integer values as hex strings with a "0x" prefix.
HexLongFormatter |
Formats long values as hex strings with a "0x" prefix.
HexString |
Highlights |
Encapsulates highlights to be applied to the topology view, such as
highlighting links, displaying link labels, perhaps even decorating
nodes with badges, etc.
Highlights.Amount |
A notion of amount.
HopByHopOptions |
Implements IPv6 Hop-by-hop Options extension header format.
HopCountLinkWeigher |
Link weight for measuring link cost as hop count with indirect links
being as expensive as traversing the entire graph to assume the worst.
Host |
Abstraction of an end-station host on the network, essentially a NIC.
HostAdminService |
Service for administering the inventory of end-station hosts.
HostAnnotationConfig |
Configuration to add extra annotations to a host via netcfg subsystem.
HostConfigOperator |
HostDescription |
Information describing host and its location.
HostEvent |
Describes end-station host event.
HostEvent.Type |
Type of host events.
HostHighlight |
Denotes the highlighting to apply to a host.
HostId |
Immutable representation of a host identity.
HostIdCompleter |
Host ID completer.
HostLearningConfig |
Configuration for enabling/disabling host learning.
HostListener |
Entity capable of receiving end-station host related events.
HostLocation |
Representation of a network edge location where an end-station host is
HostLocationFormatter |
Formats a host location as "(device-id)/(port)".
HostLocationSerializer |
HostProbe |
Information related to the host being probed.
HostProbeStore |
Manages inventory of pending host probes.
HostProbingEvent |
Describes host probing event.
HostProbingEvent.Type |
Type of host probing events.
HostProbingListener |
Entity capable of receiving host probing related events.
HostProbingProvider |
Provider of host probing.
HostProbingProviderRegistry |
Abstraction of a host probing provider registry.
HostProbingProviderService |
Means of conveying host probing information to the core.
HostProbingService |
Service for interacting with the host probing entities.
HostProbingStoreDelegate |
Host probing store delegate abstraction.
HostProvider |
Provider of information about hosts and their location on the network.
HostProviderRegistry |
Abstraction of a host provider registry.
HostProviderService |
Means of conveying host information to the core.
HostRemoveCommand |
Removes an end-station host.
HostsDiscovery |
Retrieving host information from the device
and creating host descriptions.
HostService |
Service for interacting with the inventory of end-station hosts.
HostsListCommand |
Lists all currently-known hosts.
HostStore |
Manages inventory of end-station hosts; not intended for direct use.
HostStoreDelegate |
Host store delegate abstraction.
HostToHostIntent |
Abstraction of end-station to end-station bidirectional connectivity.
HostToHostIntent.Builder |
Builder of a host to host intent.
HttpResourceUrlInterceptor |
Intercepts HTTP URL connections and supplies predefined data from a resource.
HttpResourceUrlInterceptor.HttpResourceUrlInterceptorFactory |
Creates stream handlers for the interceptor.
HybridLogicalClockService |
HybridLogicalTime |
Time provided by a Hybrid Logical Clock described in
this paper.
Implements ICMP packet format.
Implements ICMPv6 packet format.
Icmp6Code |
Known values for ICMPv6 code field that can be supplied to the CLI.
Icmp6CodeCompleter |
ICMPv6 type completer.
Icmp6PacketClassifier |
Icmp6Type |
Known values for ICMPv6 type field that can be supplied to the CLI.
Icmp6TypeCompleter |
ICMPv6 type completer.
IcmpCodeCriterion |
Implementation of ICMP code criterion (8 bits unsigned integer).
ICMPEcho |
ICMP packet class for echo purpose.
IcmpPacketClassifier |
IcmpTypeCriterion |
Implementation of ICMP type criterion (8 bits unsigned integer).
Icmpv6CodeCriterion |
Implementation of ICMPv6 code criterion (8 bits unsigned integer).
Icmpv6TypeCriterion |
Implementation of ICMPv6 type criterion (8 bits unsigned integer).
IdBlock |
A class representing an ID space.
IdBlockStore |
Manages id blocks.
Identifier<T> |
Abstract identifier backed by another value, e.g.
IdGenerator |
A generalized interface for ID generation
IdGenerator.getNewId() generates a globally unique ID instance on
each invocation.
IdNextTreatment |
Represents a next action specified by next id.
IExtensionHeader |
Interface for IPv6 extension header.
Implements IGMP control packet format.
IGMPGroup |
A class to represent Groups for membership query and reports.
IGMPMembership |
IGMPQuery |
IllegalArgumentExceptionMapper |
Mapper for illegal argument exceptions to the BAD_REQUEST response code.
IllegalDocumentModificationException |
An exception to be thrown when a node cannot be removed normally because
it does not exist or because it is not a leaf node.
IllegalDocumentNameException |
An exception thrown when an illegally named node is submitted.
IllegalStateExceptionMapper |
Mapper for illegal state exceptions to the BAD_REQUEST response code.
ImmutableByteSequence |
Immutable sequence of bytes, assumed to represent a value in BIG_ENDIAN order.
ImmutableByteSequence.ByteSequenceTrimException |
Signals that a byte sequence cannot be trimmed.
ImmutableByteSequenceSerializer |
ImmutableClassChecker |
Hamcrest style class for verifying that a class follows the
accepted rules for immutable classes.
ImmutableListSerializer |
Creates ImmutableList serializer instance.
ImmutableMapSerializer |
Kryo Serializer for ImmutableMap .
ImmutableSetSerializer |
Kryo Serializer for ImmutableSet .
InboundPacket |
Represents a data packet intercepted from an infrastructure device.
IndexTableId |
Table identifier representing the position of the table in the pipeline.
Instruction |
Abstraction of a single traffic treatment step.
Instruction.Type |
Represents the type of traffic treatment.
Instructions |
Factory class for creating various traffic treatment instructions.
Instructions.ExtensionInstructionWrapper |
Extension instruction.
Instructions.GroupInstruction |
Group Instruction.
Instructions.MetadataInstruction |
Metadata instruction.
Instructions.MeterInstruction |
A meter instruction.
Instructions.NoActionInstruction |
No Action instruction.
Instructions.OutputInstruction |
Output Instruction.
Instructions.SetQueueInstruction |
Set-Queue Instruction.
Instructions.StatTriggerInstruction |
Instructions.TableTypeTransition |
Transition instruction.
IntDeviceConfig |
Device-level configuration of the INT process.
IntDeviceConfig.Builder |
An IntConfig object builder.
IntDeviceConfig.TelemetrySpec |
Represents a type of telemetry spec to collect in the dataplane.
IntegrationTest |
Marker interface used to separate unit tests from integration tests.
Intent |
Abstraction of an application level intent.
Intent.Builder |
Abstract builder for intents.
IntentBatchDelegate |
Facade for receiving notifications from the intent batch service.
IntentClockService |
Logical clock service that issues per-intent timestamps.
IntentCompilationException |
An exception thrown when a intent compilation fails.
IntentCompiler<T extends Intent> |
Abstraction of a compiler which is capable of taking an intent
and translating it to other, potentially installable, intents.
IntentCycleCommand |
Installs point-to-point connectivity intents.
IntentData |
A wrapper class that contains an intents, its state, and other metadata for
internal use.
IntentDetailsCommand |
Displays details about an Intent in the system.
IntentEvent |
A class to represent an intent related event.
IntentEvent.Type |
IntentException |
Represents an intent related error.
IntentExtensionService |
Service for extending the capability of intent framework by
adding additional compilers or/and installers.
IntentFilter |
Utility to get flow entries corresponding to specified intent.
IntentId |
Intent identifier suitable as an external key.
IntentIdCompleter |
IntentId Completer.
IntentInstallationContext |
Installation context for a high level Intent.
IntentInstallCoordinator |
Contact point for installers to report progress of intent installation and to
update intent-specific status and context appropriately.
IntentInstaller<T extends Intent> |
Manage installation process for specific installable Intents.
IntentInstaller.Direction |
The installation direction.
IntentKeyCompleter |
Intent Key completer.
IntentListCompilers |
Lists the inventory of intents and their states.
IntentListener |
IntentListInstallers |
Lists the installers of intents.
IntentMiniSummary |
Lists the summary of intents and their states.
IntentOperation |
Abstraction of an intent-related operation, e.g.
IntentOperation.Type |
Operation type.
IntentOperationContext<T extends Intent> |
Operation context for installable Intent.
IntentPurgeCommand |
Purges all WITHDRAWN intents.
IntentPushTestCommand |
Installs bulk point-to-point connectivity intents between given ingress/egress devices.
IntentRemoveCommand |
Removes an intent.
IntentsDiagnosisCommand |
IntentService |
Service for application submitting or withdrawing their intents.
IntentSetMultimap |
IntentsListCommand |
Lists the inventory of intents and their states.
IntentState |
Representation of the phases an intent may attain during its lifecycle.
IntentStore |
Manages inventory of end-station intents; not intended for direct use.
IntentStoreDelegate |
Intent store delegate abstraction.
IntentUtils |
Utilities for dealing with intents.
Interface |
An Interface maps network configuration information (such as addresses and
vlans) to a port in the network.
InterfaceAddCommand |
Adds a new interface configuration.
InterfaceAdminService |
Provides a means to modify the interfaces configuration.
InterfaceConfig |
Means to configure interfaces on devices.
InterfaceConfig |
Configuration for interfaces.
InterfaceEvent |
Describes an interface event.
InterfaceEvent.Type |
InterfaceIpAddress |
Represents a single IP address information on an interface.
InterfaceListener |
Listener for interface events.
InterfaceNameCompleter |
Completer for interface names.
InterfaceProvisionRequest |
Encapsulates information needed to provision a router interface.
InterfaceRemoveCommand |
Removes an interface configuration.
InterfaceService |
Service for interacting with interfaces.
InterfacesListCommand |
Lists all configured interfaces.
IntMetadataType |
Represents a type of INT metadata.
IntObjective |
Represents a device-level objective to collect INT metadata for packets
identified by a traffic selector.
IntObjective.Builder |
An IntObjective builder.
IntProgrammable |
Abstraction of a device implementing In-band Network Telemetry (INT)
IntProgrammable.IntFunctionality |
INT functionalities that a device can implement.
IntReportConfig |
Application level configuration of the INT process.
InvalidConfigException |
Indicates an invalid configuration was supplied by the user.
InvalidFieldException |
Indicates a field of a configuration was invalid.
IP |
Implements IP packet format.
Ip4Address |
A class representing an IPv4 address.
Ip4AddressSerializer |
Ip4Prefix |
The class representing an IPv4 network address.
Ip4PrefixSerializer |
Ip6Address |
A class representing an IPv6 address.
Ip6AddressSerializer |
Ip6Prefix |
The class representing an IPv6 network address.
Ip6PrefixSerializer |
IPacket |
Packet Interface.
IpAddress |
A class representing an IP address.
IpAddress.Version |
IpAddressSerializer |
IpAssignment |
Stores the MAC ID to IP Address mapping details.
IpAssignment.AssignmentStatus |
IpAssignment.Builder |
IPAssignment Builder.
IPCriterion |
Implementation of IP address criterion.
IPDscpCriterion |
Implementation of IP DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point)
criterion (6 bits).
IPEcnCriterion |
Implementation of IP ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification) criterion
(2 bits).
IpElementId |
Represent for a Element ID using ip address.
IPPrecedence |
Represents the deprecated IPv4 IP precedence.
IpPrefix |
A class representing an IP prefix.
IpPrefixSerializer |
IpProtocol |
Known protocol values for IP protocol field that can be supplied to the CLI.
IpProtocolCompleter |
IP protocol completer.
IPProtocolCriterion |
Implementation of Internet Protocol Number criterion (8 bits unsigned)
IPv4 |
Implements IPv4 packet format.
IPv6 |
Implements IPv6 packet format.
IPv6ExthdrFlagsCriterion |
Implementation of IPv6 Extension Header pseudo-field criterion
(16 bits).
IPv6FlowLabelCriterion |
Implementation of IPv6 Flow Label (RFC 6437) criterion (20 bits unsigned
IPv6NDLinkLayerAddressCriterion |
Implementation of IPv6 Neighbor Discovery link-layer address criterion.
IPv6NDTargetAddressCriterion |
Implementation of IPv6 Neighbor Discovery target address criterion.
IssuCommand |
Commands for managing upgrades.
ItemNotFoundException |
Represents condition where an item is not found or not available.
JsonBodyWriter |
JAX-RS Response message body writer.
JsonCodec<T> |
Abstraction of a codec capable for encoding/decoding arbitrary objects to/from JSON.
JsonUtils |
Provides convenience methods for dealing with JSON nodes, arrays etc.
Key |
Key class for Intents.
KryoNamespace |
Pool of Kryo instances, with classes pre-registered.
KryoNamespace.Builder |
KryoNamespace builder.
KryoNamespaces |
KShortestPathsSearch<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
Runs K shortest paths algorithm on a provided directed graph.
L0ModificationInstruction |
L0ModificationInstruction.L0SubType |
Represents the type of traffic treatment.
L0ModificationInstruction.ModOchSignalInstruction |
Represents an L0 OCh (Optical Channel) modification instruction.
L1ModificationInstruction |
L1ModificationInstruction.L1SubType |
Represents the type of traffic treatment.
L1ModificationInstruction.ModOduSignalIdInstruction |
Represents an L1 ODU (Optical channel Data Unit) Signal Id modification instruction.
L2ModificationInstruction |
Abstraction of a single traffic treatment step.
L2ModificationInstruction.L2SubType |
Represents the type of traffic treatment.
L2ModificationInstruction.ModEtherInstruction |
Represents a L2 src/dst modification instruction.
L2ModificationInstruction.ModMplsBosInstruction |
Represents a MPLS BOS modification.
L2ModificationInstruction.ModMplsHeaderInstruction |
Represents a MPLS header modification instruction.
L2ModificationInstruction.ModMplsLabelInstruction |
Represents a MPLS label modification.
L2ModificationInstruction.ModMplsTtlInstruction |
Represents a MPLS TTL modification.
L2ModificationInstruction.ModTunnelIdInstruction |
Represents a Tunnel id modification.
L2ModificationInstruction.ModVlanHeaderInstruction |
Represents a VLAN Header modification instruction.
L2ModificationInstruction.ModVlanIdInstruction |
Represents a VLAN id modification instruction.
L2ModificationInstruction.ModVlanPcpInstruction |
Represents a VLAN PCP modification instruction.
L2SwitchVlanConfigBehaviour |
Means to configure VLANs on legacy L2 switch devices.
L3ModificationInstruction |
Abstraction of a single traffic treatment step.
L3ModificationInstruction.L3SubType |
Represents the type of traffic treatment.
L3ModificationInstruction.ModArpEthInstruction |
Represents a L3 ARP Ether src/dst modification instruction.
L3ModificationInstruction.ModArpIPInstruction |
Represents a L3 ARP IP src/dst modification instruction.
L3ModificationInstruction.ModArpOpInstruction |
Represents a L3 ARP operation modification instruction.
L3ModificationInstruction.ModDscpInstruction |
Represents a L3 DSCP modification instruction.
L3ModificationInstruction.ModIPInstruction |
Represents a L3 src/dst modification instruction.
L3ModificationInstruction.ModIPv6FlowLabelInstruction |
Represents a L3 IPv6 Flow Label (RFC 6437) modification instruction
(20 bits unsigned integer).
L3ModificationInstruction.ModTtlInstruction |
Represents a L3 TTL modification instruction.
L4ModificationInstruction |
Abstraction of a single traffic treatment step.
L4ModificationInstruction.L4SubType |
Represents the type of traffic treatment.
L4ModificationInstruction.ModTransportPortInstruction |
Represents a L4 src/dst modification instruction.
Lacp |
LacpBaseTlv |
Represents LACP ActorInfo or PartnerInfo information.
LacpCollectorTlv |
Represents LACP collector information.
LacpState |
LACP state.
LacpTerminatorTlv |
Represents LACP terminator information.
LacpTlv |
Lambda |
Abstraction of wavelength.
LambdaCriterion |
Implementation of lambda (wavelength) criterion (16 bits unsigned
LambdaQuery |
A HandlerBehaviour to retrieve available wavelength resources.
LatencyConstraint |
Constraint that evaluates the latency through a path.
LayoutAddCommand |
Add a new UI layout.
LayoutListCommand |
List layout details.
LayoutLocation |
Represents a "node location" on a UI layout.
LayoutLocation.Type |
Designates the type of location; either geographic or logical grid.
LazyKShortestPathsSearch<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
Lazily runs K shortest paths algorithm on a provided directed graph.
Leader |
Topic leader.
LeaderCommand |
Prints the leader for every topic.
LeaderElector |
LeaderElector provides the same functionality as AsyncLeaderElector with
the only difference that all its methods block until the corresponding operation completes.
LeaderElectorBuilder |
LeaderElectorOptions<O extends LeaderElectorOptions<O>> |
Leadership |
State of leadership for topic.
LeadershipAdminService |
Interface for administratively manipulating leadership assignments.
LeadershipEvent |
Describes leadership-related event.
LeadershipEvent.Type |
Type of leadership events.
LeadershipEventListener |
Entity capable of receiving device leadership-related events.
LeadershipService |
Service for leader election.
LeadershipStore |
LeadershipStoreDelegate |
Link |
Abstraction of a network infrastructure link.
Link.State |
Representation of the link state, which applies primarily only to
configured durable links, i.e.
Link.Type |
Coarse representation of the link type.
LinkAdminService |
Service for administering the inventory of infrastructure links.
LinkCollectionIntent |
Abstraction of a connectivity intent that is implemented by a set of path
LinkCollectionIntent.Builder |
Builder of a single point to multi point intent.
LinkDescription |
Describes an infrastructure link.
LinkDiscovery |
A HandlerBehaviour to discover links.
LinkDstCompleter |
Link destination end-point completer.
LinkEvent |
Describes infrastructure link event.
LinkEvent.Type |
Type of link events.
LinkHighlight |
Denotes the highlighting to be applied to a link.
LinkHighlight.Flavor |
Link highlighting flavor.
LinkKey |
Immutable representation of a link identity.
LinkKeySerializer |
LinkListener |
Entity capable of receiving infrastructure link related events.
LinkProvider |
Abstraction of an entity providing information about infrastructure links
to the core.
LinkProviderRegistry |
Abstraction of an infrastructure link provider registry.
LinkProviderService |
Means for injecting link information into the core.
LinkService |
Service for interacting with the inventory of infrastructure links.
LinksListCommand |
Lists all infrastructure links.
LinkSrcCompleter |
Link source end-point completer.
LinkStore |
Manages inventory of infrastructure links; not intended for direct use.
LinkStoreDelegate |
Infrastructure link store delegate abstraction.
LinkTypeCompleter |
LinkTypeConstraint |
Constraint that evaluates links based on their type.
LinkWeigher |
Entity capable of determining cost or weight of a specified topology
graph edge.
LionBundle |
Encapsulates a bundle of localization strings.
LionBundle.Builder |
Builder of Lion Bundles.
LionBundle.LionItem |
Represents a single localization item.
LionUtils |
Utility methods for dealing with Localization Bundles etc.
ListenerRegistry<E extends Event,L extends EventListener<E>> |
Base implementation of an event sink and a registry capable of tracking
listeners and dispatching events to them as part of event sink processing.
ListenerService<E extends Event,L extends EventListener<E>> |
Abstraction of a service capable of asynchronously notifying listeners.
ListenerTracker |
Utility to keeps track of registered Listeners.
This class represents an Link Local Control header that is used in Ethernet
Representation of an LLDP Packet.
LLDPOrganizationalTLV |
The class representing LLDP Organizationally Specific TLV.
Load |
Simple data repository for link load information.
LoggerAdapter |
LogicalClockService |
Service that issues logical timestamps.
LogicalTimestamp |
Timestamp based on logical sequence value.
MacAddress |
The class representing MAC address.
MacAddressSerializer |
MapEvent<K,V> |
Representation of a ConsistentMap update notification.
MapEvent.Type |
MapEvent type.
MapEventListener<K,V> |
Listener to be notified about updates to a ConsistentMap.
MapInfo |
Metadata information for a consistent map.
MapsListCommand |
Command to list the various maps in the system.
MapUpdate<K,V> |
Map update operation.
MapUpdate.Builder<K,V> |
MapUpdate builder.
MapUpdate.Type |
Type of database update operation.
MarkCommand |
CLI command which just log message to ONOS log for ease of debugging, etc.
MarkerConstraint |
Abstract Constraint for constraints not intended to influence
individual link cost or path validity.
MarkerResource |
MarkerResource to add hints about installable Intent.
MastershipAdminService |
Service for administering the inventory of device masterships.
MastershipBasedTimestampSerializer |
Kryo Serializer for MastershipBasedTimestamp .
MastershipEvent |
Describes a device mastership event.
MastershipEvent.Type |
Type of mastership events.
MastershipInfo |
Mastership info.
MastershipListener |
Entity capable of receiving device mastership-related events.
MastershipProxyFactory<T> |
Mastership-based proxy factory.
MastershipProxyService |
Manages remote mastership-based proxy services and instances.
MastershipRole |
Representation of a relationship role of a controller instance to a device
or a region of network environment.
MastershipService |
Service responsible for determining the controller instance mastership of
a device in a clustered environment.
MastershipStore |
Manages inventory of mastership roles for devices, across controller
instances; not intended for direct use.
MastershipStoreDelegate |
Mastership store delegate abstraction.
MastershipTerm |
MastershipTermSerializer |
MastershipTermService |
Service to obtain mastership term information.
MastersListCommand |
Lists device mastership information.
Match<T> |
Utility class for checking matching values.
McastConfig |
Configuration for multicast.
McastDeleteCommand |
Deletes a multicast route.
McastEvent |
McastEvent.Type |
McastGroupCompleter |
Mcast group Completer.
McastJoinCommand |
Installs a source, multicast group flow.
McastListener |
McastRoute |
McastRoute.Type |
McastRouteInfo |
McastRoutesListCommand |
Displays the source, multicast group flows entries.
McastShowCommand |
Displays the source, multicast group flows entries.
McastStore |
McastStore.Type |
McastStoreDelegate |
Member |
Controller member identity.
MembershipGroup |
Membership group.
MembershipService |
Service for obtaining information about the individual members of the controller cluster.
MembershipsListCommand |
Command to list the memberships in the system.
MessageSubject |
Representation of a message subject.
MessagingException |
Top level exception for MessagingService failures.
MessagingException.NoRemoteHandler |
Exception indicating no remote registered remote handler.
MessagingException.ProtocolException |
Exception indicating failure due to invalid message structure such as an incorrect preamble.
MessagingException.RemoteHandlerFailure |
Exception indicating handler failure.
MessagingService |
Interface for low level messaging primitives.
MetadataCriterion |
Implementation of Metadata criterion.
Meter |
Represents a generalized meter cell configuration to be deployed on a device.
Meter.Builder |
A meter builder.
Meter.Unit |
MeterAddCommand |
Add a meter to a device.
MeterCellId |
A representation of a meter cell identifier.
MeterCellId.MeterCellType |
Types of meter cell identifier.
MeterContext |
A context permitting the application to be notified when the
meter installation has been successful.
MeterEntry |
Represents a stored meter.
MeterEvent |
Entity that represents Meter events.
MeterEvent.Type |
MeterFailReason |
Enum used to represent a meter failure condition.
MeterFeatures |
Meter Features of a device.
MeterFeatures.Builder |
A meter features builder.
MeterFeaturesFlag |
MeterFeaturesKey |
A meter features key represents a meter features uniquely.
MeterId |
A representation of a meter cell identifier.
MeteringAgent |
Agent that implements usage and performance monitoring via the metrics service.
MeterKey |
A meter key represents a meter uniquely.
MeterListener |
Entity capable of receiving Meter related events.
MeterOperation |
Representation of an operation on the meter table.
MeterOperation.Type |
Tyoe of meter operation.
MeterOperations |
Immutable collection of meter operation to be used between
core and provider layers of group subsystem.
MeterProgrammable |
Meter programmable device behaviour.
MeterProvider |
Abstraction of a Meter provider.
MeterProviderRegistry |
Abstraction for a meter provider registry.
MeterProviderService |
Service through which meter providers can inject information
into the core.
MeterQuery |
A HandlerBehaviour to check the capability of Meter.
MeterRemoveCommand |
Remove existing meter from device.
MeterRequest |
Represents a generalized meter request to be deployed on a device.
MeterRequest.Builder |
A meter builder.
MeterRequest.Type |
MeterService |
Service for add/updating and removing meters.
MetersListCommand |
Lists all meters.
MeterState |
Represents the state of the meter as seen by the store.
MeterStore |
Entity that stores and distributed meter objects.
MeterStoreDelegate |
Meter store delegate abstraction.
MeterStoreResult |
An entity used to indicate whether the store operation passed.
MeterStoreResult.Type |
MetricLinkWeight |
Link weight for measuring link cost using the link metric annotation.
MetricNameCompleter |
Metric name completer.
MetricsComponent |
Components to register for metrics.
MetricsComponentRegistry |
Registry Entry for Metrics Components.
MetricsDatabase |
Database for storing a metric.
MetricsDatabase.Builder |
A builder of MetricsDatabase.
MetricsFeature |
Features to tag metrics.
MetricsHelper |
Collection of utility methods used for providing Metrics.
MetricsListCommand |
Prints metrics in the system.
MetricsManager |
This class holds the Metrics registry for ONOS.
MetricsReporter |
Interface of reporter that reports all metrics value to third party monitor.
MetricsService |
Metrics Service to collect metrics.
MetricsUtil |
MetricValue |
Primitive Metric Value.
MetricValue.Builder |
MetricValue builder class.
MirroringConfig |
Behaviour for handling various drivers for mirroring configurations.
MirroringDescription |
The abstraction of a mirroring.
MirroringName |
Represents for a mirroring name.
MirroringStatistics |
Represents statistics associated to a mirroring.
Mod |
Highlighting modification.
ModulationConfig<T> |
ModulationScheme |
Representation of an MPLS Packet.
MplsBosCriterion |
Implementation of MPLS BOS criterion (1 bit).
MplsCriterion |
Implementation of MPLS tag criterion (20 bits).
MplsLabel |
Representation of a MPLS label.
MplsQuery |
A HandlerBehaviour to check the capability of MPLS.
MplsTcCriterion |
Implementation of MPLS TC criterion (3 bits).
MulticastRouteService |
MultimapEvent<K,V> |
Representation of a ConsistentMultimap update notification.
MultimapEvent.Type |
MultimapEvent type.
MultimapEventListener<K,V> |
Listener to be notified about updates to a ConsistentMultimap.
MultiPointToSinglePointIntent |
Abstraction of multiple source to single destination connectivity intent.
MultiPointToSinglePointIntent.Builder |
Builder of a multi point to single point intent.
MultiValuedTimestamp<T extends java.lang.Comparable<T>,U extends java.lang.Comparable<U>> |
A logical timestamp that derives its value from two input values.
MutableAdjacencyListsGraph<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
MutableAnnotations |
Represents an mutable set of simple key/value string annotations.
MutableGraph<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge> |
Abstraction of a mutable graph that can be constructed gradually.
MutablePath<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
Abstraction of a mutable path that allows gradual construction.
MutexTask |
The MutexTask interface should be implemented by any class whose
instances distributed across controllers are intended to be executed
in a mutually exclusive fashion.
NAPacketClassifier |
NeighborAdvertisement |
Implements ICMPv6 Neighbor Advertisement packet format (RFC 4861).
NeighborDiscoveryOptions |
Neighbor Discovery Protocol packet options.
NeighborSolicitation |
Implements ICMPv6 Neighbor Solicitation packet format.
NeighbourHandlerRegistration |
Information about the registration of a neighbour message handler.
NeighbourHandlersListCommand |
Lists neighbour message handlers.
NeighbourMessageActions |
Performs actions on a neighbour message contexts.
NeighbourMessageContext |
Context of an incoming neighbor message (e.g.
NeighbourMessageHandler |
Handler for an incoming neighbour message.
NeighbourMessageType |
Neighbour message type.
NeighbourProtocol |
Enumerates protocols used for neighbour discover/address resolution.
NeighbourResolutionService |
Provides a means of registering logic for handling neighbour messages.
NetconfOperationCompleter |
Netconf Operation Completer.
NetworkConfigCommand |
Manages network configuration.
NetworkConfigEvent |
Describes network configuration event.
NetworkConfigEvent.Type |
Type of network configuration events.
NetworkConfigListener |
Entity capable of receiving network configuration related events.
NetworkConfigRegistry |
Service for tracking network configuration factories.
NetworkConfigRegistryAdapter |
Test adapter for network configuration service registry.
NetworkConfigRegistryCommand |
Displays network configuration registry contents.
NetworkConfigService |
Service for tracking network configurations which specify how the discovered
network information should be interpreted and how the core or applications
should act on or configure the network.
NetworkConfigServiceAdapter |
Test adapter for network configuration service.
NetworkConfigStore |
Mechanism for distributing and storing network configuration information.
NetworkConfigStoreDelegate |
Network configuration store delegate abstraction.
NetworkResource |
Representation of a network resource, e.g.
NextGroup |
Opaque data type for carrying group-like information.
NextHop |
Represents a next hop for routing, whose MAC address has already been resolved.
NextHopGroupKey |
Identifier for a next hop group.
NextObjective |
Represents a nexthop which will be translated by a driver
into the appropriate group or actions needed to implement
the egress function.
NextObjective.Builder |
A next step builder.
NextObjective.Type |
Represents the type of next phase to build.
NextObjQueueKey |
Next objective queue key.
NextTreatment |
Represents next action in the NextObjective.
NextTreatment.Type |
Types of next action.
Node |
Represents a controller instance as a member in a cluster.
NodeBadge |
Designates a badge to be applied to a node in the topology view.
NodeBadge.Status |
Designates the badge status.
NodeHighlight |
NodeId |
Controller cluster identity.
NodeIdCompleter |
Node ID completer.
NodeIdSerializer |
NodeSelection |
Encapsulates a selection of devices, hosts and links from the topology view.
NodesListCommand |
Lists all controller cluster nodes.
NodeUpdate<V> |
DocumentTree node update operation.
NodeUpdate.Builder<V> |
NodeUpdate builder.
NodeUpdate.Type |
Type of database update operation.
NonDisruptiveConstraint |
Constraint to request a non-disruptive intent reallocation.
NoSuchDocumentPathException |
An exception to be thrown when an invalid path is passed to the
DocumentTree .
NotFoundMapper |
Mapper for api not found exceptions to the NOT_FOUND response code.
NshContextHeader |
NshServiceIndex |
NshServicePathId |
NSPacketClassifier |
NullScheduledExecutor |
A scheduled executor service that does not do any of the work scheduled to it.
NumberFormatter |
Formats number using the specified format string.
NumericPortNumberCompleter |
PortNumber completer, which returns candidates in decimal form.
Objective |
Base representation of a flow-objective description.
Objective.Builder |
An objective builder.
Objective.Operation |
Type of operation.
ObjectiveContext |
The context of a objective that will become the subject of
the notification.
ObjectiveError |
Represents the set of errors possible when processing an objective.
ObjectiveEvent |
Describes a objective event.
ObjectiveEvent.Type |
Type of objective events.
ObjectiveQueueKey |
Objective queue key.
ObjectiveTrackerService |
Auxiliary service for tracking intent path flows and for notifying the
intent service of environment changes via topology change delegate.
ObstacleConstraint |
Constraint that evaluates elements not passed through.
OchSignal |
Implementation of Lambda representing OCh (Optical Channel) Signal.
OchSignalCriterion |
Implementation of OCh (Optical Channel) signal criterion.
OchSignalType |
Represents OCh (Optical Channel) signal type defined in
Open Networking Foundation "Optical Transport Protocol Extensions Version 1.0".
OchSignalTypeCriterion |
Implementation of OCh (Optical Channel) signal type criterion.
OduSignalId |
Implementation of ODU Signal ID.
OduSignalIdCriterion |
Implementation of ODU (Optical channel Data Unit) signal ID signal criterion.
OduSignalType |
Represents ODU (Optical channel Data Unit) signal type.
OduSignalTypeCriterion |
Implementation of ODU (Optical channel Data Unit) signal Type criterion.
OduSignalUtils |
Collection of helper methods to convert various SignalTypes to OduSignalType, and to build OduSignalId.
ONOS LLDP containing organizational TLV for ONOS device discovery.
OpticalCircuitIntent |
An optical layer intent for circuits between two OduClt ports.
OpticalCircuitIntent.Builder |
Builder for optical circuit intents.
OpticalConnectivityIntent |
An optical layer intent for connectivity between two OCh ports.
OpticalConnectivityIntent.Builder |
Builder for optical connectivity intents.
OpticalConnectPointCompleter |
Optical ConnectPoint completer.
OpticalOduIntent |
An optical layer intent between two OduClt ports - in an OTN Topology.
OpticalOduIntent.Builder |
Builder for optical ODU intents.
OpticalPathIntent |
An optical layer intent with explicitly selected path.
OpticalPathIntent.Builder |
Builder for optical path intents.
OrderedExecutor |
Executor that executes tasks in order on a shared thread pool.
Ordering |
Describes the order of a primitive data structure.
OsgiPropertyConstants |
OsgiPropertyConstants |
Name/Value constants for properties.
OtuSignalType |
Represents OTU (Optical channel Transport Unit) signal type.
OutboundPacket |
Represents an outbound data packet that is to be emitted to network via
an infrastructure device.
PacketContext |
Represents context for processing an inbound packet, and (optionally)
emitting a corresponding outbound packet.
PacketEvent |
Describes a packet event.
PacketEvent.Type |
Type of packet events.
PacketInClassifier |
Abstraction of incoming packet classifier for filtering.
PacketInFilter |
Abstraction of incoming packet filter.
PacketInFilter.FilterAction |
Types of filter action applied to incoming packets.
PacketPriority |
Priorities available to applications for requests for packets from the data
PacketProcessor |
Abstraction of an inbound packet processor.
PacketProcessorEntry |
Packet processor entry tracking the processor, its priority and
time consumption.
PacketProcessorsListCommand |
Lists packet processors.
PacketProgrammable |
Packet programmable device behaviour.
PacketProvider |
Abstraction of a packet provider capable of emitting packets.
PacketProviderRegistry |
Abstraction of an infrastructure packet provider registry.
PacketProviderService |
Entity capable of processing inbound packets.
PacketRequest |
Represents a packet request made to devices.
PacketRequestsListCommand |
Lists packet requests.
PacketService |
Service for intercepting data plane packets and for emitting synthetic
outbound packets.
PacketStore |
Manages routing of outbound packets.
PacketStoreDelegate |
Packet store delegate abstraction.
PacketUtils |
Utilities for working with packet headers.
PartialFailureConstraint |
A constraint that allows intents that can only be partially compiled
Partition |
A partition or shard is a group of controller nodes that are work together to maintain state.
PartitionAdminService |
Administrative interface for partition membership changes.
PartitionClientInfo |
Contains information about a database partition client.
PartitionDiff |
Utility for examining differences between two partition values.
PartitionEvent |
Describes partition-related event.
PartitionEvent.Type |
Type of partition-related events.
PartitionEventListener |
Entity capable of receiving partition-related events.
PartitionId |
PartitionInfo |
Contains information about a database partition.
PartitionService |
Service used for accessing information about storage partitions.
PartitionsListCommand |
Command to list the database partitions in the system.
PatchDescription |
Describes a patch interface.
PatchDescription.Builder |
Builder of patch interface description entities.
Path<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
Representation of a path in a graph as a sequence of edges.
Path |
Representation of a contiguous directed path in a network.
PathAdminService |
Provides administrative abilities to tailor the path service behaviours.
PathIntent |
Abstraction of explicitly path specified connectivity intent.
PathIntent.Builder |
Builder of a host to host intent.
PathIntent.ProtectionType |
PathListCommand |
Lists all shortest-paths paths between the specified source and
destination devices.
PathService |
Service for obtaining pre-computed paths or for requesting computation of
paths using the current topology snapshot.
PathViabilityConstraint |
Abstract Constraint for constraints intended to influence
only path viability and not influence individual link cost
during path computation.
PbbIsidCriterion |
Implementation of PBB I-SID criterion (24 bits unsigned integer).
PeerConnectPointCompleter |
Completer, which proposes remote end of existing Link in the system.
Permission |
PersistenceService |
Service that allows for the creation of local disk backed map for instance specific values that persist across
PersistentMapBuilder<K,V> |
The interface for a persistent map builder for use with mapDB.
PersistentSetBuilder<E> |
The default interface for the persistent set builder for use with mapDB.
PiAction |
Instance of an action, and its runtime parameters, of a table entry in a
protocol-independent pipeline.
PiAction.Builder |
Builder of protocol-independent actions.
PiActionId |
Identifier of an action of a match+action table in a protocol-independent pipeline, unique within the scope of a
pipeline model.
PiActionModel |
Model of an action with runtime parameters in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiActionParam |
Instance of an action runtime parameter in a match+action table of a
protocol-independent pipeline.
PiActionParamId |
Identifier of an action runtime parameter in a match+action table of a protocol-independent pipeline, unique within
the scope an action model.
PiActionParamModel |
Model of an action runtime parameter in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiActionProfileGroup |
Instance of an action profile group of a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiActionProfileGroup.Builder |
Builder of action profile groups.
PiActionProfileGroup.WeightedMember |
Weighted reference to an action profile member as used in an action
profile group.
PiActionProfileGroupHandle |
Global identifier of a PI action profile group applied to a device, uniquely
defined by a device ID, action profile ID and group ID.
PiActionProfileGroupId |
Identifier of an action profile group in a protocol-independent pipeline,
unique within the scope of an action profile.
PiActionProfileId |
Identifier of an action profile in a protocol-independent pipeline, unique withing the scope of a pipeline model.
PiActionProfileMember |
Instance of a member of an action profile in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiActionProfileMember.Builder |
Builder of action profile members.
PiActionProfileMemberHandle |
Global identifier of a PI action profile member, uniquely defined by a
device ID, action profile ID, and member ID.
PiActionProfileMemberId |
Identifier of a member of an action profile in a protocol-independent
pipeline, unique within the scope on an action profile.
PiActionProfileModel |
Model of an action profile in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiBitString |
BitString entity in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiBool |
Boolean entity in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiCloneSessionEntry |
Representation of a clone session entry of a protocol-independent packet
replication engine (PRE).
PiCloneSessionEntry.Builder |
Builder of PI clone session entries.
PiCloneSessionEntryHandle |
Global identifier of a PI clone session entry applied to the packet
replication engine (PRE) of a device, uniquely defined by a device ID, and
session ID.
PiCounterCell |
Counter cell of a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiCounterCellData |
Data of a counter cell of a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiCounterCellHandle |
Global identifier of a PI counter cell instantiated on a device, uniquely
defined by a device ID and cell ID.
PiCounterCellId |
Identifier of a counter cell in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiCounterId |
Identifier of a counter in a protocol-independent pipeline, unique within the scope of a pipeline model.
PiCounterModel |
Model of a counter in protocol-independent pipeline.
PiCounterModel.Unit |
Counter unit.
PiCounterType |
Type of counter in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiCriterion |
Protocol-independent criterion.
PiCriterion.Builder |
PiCriterion Builder.
PiData |
Representation of data that can be used for runtime operations of a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiData.Type |
Types of data in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiEntity |
Abstraction of a runtime entity of a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiEntityType |
Type of runtime entity of a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiEnumString |
EnumString entity in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiErrorString |
ErrorString entity in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiExactFieldMatch |
Instance of an exact field match in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiFieldMatch |
Instance of a field match in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiFlowRuleTranslationStore |
A PI translation store that keeps track of which flow rules have been
translated to which PI table entries.
PiFlowRuleTranslator |
A translator of flow rules to PI table entries.
PiGroupKey |
Implementation of GroupKey for the case of a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiGroupTranslationStore |
A PI translation store that keeps track of which groups have been
translated to which PI action profile groups.
PiGroupTranslator |
A translator of groups to PI action profile groups.
PiHandle |
Global identifier of a PI entity applied to a device, unique in the scope of
the whole network.
PiHeader |
Instance of a PiHeader in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiHeaderStack |
Instance of a PiHeaderStack in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiHeaderUnion |
PiHeaderUnion entity in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiHeaderUnionStack |
PiHeaderUnionStack entity in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiInstruction |
Representation of a protocol-independent instruction.
PiLpmFieldMatch |
Instance of a longest-prefix field match in a protocol-independent pipeline.
Implements PIM control packet format.
PIMAddrGroup |
PIMAddrSource |
PIMAddrUnicast |
PiMatchFieldId |
Identifier of a match field in a protocol-independent pipeline, unique within the scope of a table model.
PiMatchFieldModel |
Model of a table match field in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiMatchKey |
Representation of all field matches of an entry of a match+action table of a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiMatchKey.Builder |
Builder of match keys.
PiMatchType |
Match types in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiMeterBand |
Represents a band used within a meter.
PiMeterCellConfig |
Configuration of a meter cell of a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiMeterCellConfig.Builder |
PiMeterCellHandle |
Global identifier of a PI meter cell instantiated on a device, uniquely
defined by a device ID and meter cell ID.
PiMeterCellId |
Identifier of a meter cell in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiMeterId |
Identifier of a meter in a protocol-independent pipeline, unique within the scope of a pipeline model.
PiMeterModel |
Model of a meter in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiMeterModel.Unit |
Meter rate unit.
PiMeterTranslationStore |
A PI translation store that keeps track of which meters have been
translated to which PI meters.
PiMeterTranslator |
A translator of meters to PI Meter Configs.
PiMeterType |
Types of meter in protocol-independent pipeline.
PIMHello |
PIMHelloOption |
PIM HELLO option.
PIMJoinPrune |
PIMJoinPruneGroup |
PiMulticastGroupEntry |
Representation of multicast group entry of a protocol-independent packet
replication engine (PRE).
PiMulticastGroupEntry.Builder |
Builder of PI multicast group entries.
PiMulticastGroupEntryHandle |
Global identifier of a PI multicast group entry applied to the packet
replication engine of a device, uniquely defined by a device ID, and group
PiPacketMetadata |
Instance of a metadata field for a controller packet-in/out for a
protocol-independent pipeline.
PiPacketMetadata.Builder |
Builder of protocol-independent packet metadatas.
PiPacketMetadataId |
Identifier of a packet metadata in a protocol-independent pipeline, unique within the scope of a pipeline model.
PiPacketMetadataModel |
Model of a packet metadata for a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiPacketOperation |
Instance of a packet I/O operation that includes the packet body (frame) and
its metadata, for a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiPacketOperation.Builder |
Builder of packet operations.
PiPacketOperationModel |
Model of a packet operation in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiPacketOperationType |
Type of packet operation in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PipeconfCommand |
Query registered pipeconfs.
Pipeliner |
Behaviour for handling various pipelines.
PipelinerContext |
Processing context and supporting services for the pipeline behaviour.
PipelineTraceable |
Represents a driver behavior that enables a logical packet to trace existing flows and groups in a device.
PipelineTraceableHitChain |
Class to represent the pipeline hit chain and the result of the pipeline processing.
PipelineTraceableInput |
Represents the input of the pipeline traceable processing.
PipelineTraceableMetadata |
Stores traceable processing metadata.
PipelineTraceableOutput |
Represents the output of the pipeline traceable processing.
PipelineTraceableOutput.Builder |
Builder of pipeline traceable entities.
PipelineTraceableOutput.PipelineTraceableResult |
Represents the result of the pipeline traceable processing.
PipelineTraceablePacket |
Represents a traceable packet composed by a traffic selector and metadata.
PiPipeconf |
Configuration of a protocol-independent pipeline that includes a pipeline model, a collection of pipeline-specific
behaviour implementations, and extensions.
PiPipeconf.ExtensionType |
Type of extension of a protocol-independent pipeline configuration.
PiPipeconfDeviceMappingEvent |
Entity that represents pipeconf to device binding events.
PiPipeconfDeviceMappingEvent.Type |
Type of pipeconf to device mapping event.
PiPipeconfEvent |
Event related to the PiPipeconfService.
PiPipeconfEvent.Type |
Type of pipeconf event.
PiPipeconfId |
An identifier of a protocol-independent pipeline configuration, unique within the scope of ONOS.
PiPipeconfListener |
Listener of pipeconf events.
PiPipeconfMappingStore |
Manages the mapping of Pipeconfs that are deployed to devices; not intended for direct use.
PiPipeconfMappingStoreDelegate |
Pipeconf store delegate abstraction.
PiPipeconfService |
A service to manage the configurations of protocol-independent pipelines.
PiPipeconfWatchdogEvent |
Event representing changes in the status of a device pipeline.
PiPipeconfWatchdogEvent.Type |
Type of event.
PiPipeconfWatchdogListener |
PiPipeconfWatchdogService |
Service that periodically probes pipeline programmable devices, to check that
their pipeline is configured with the expected pipeconf.
PiPipeconfWatchdogService.PipelineStatus |
Status of a device pipeline.
PiPipelineInterpreter |
An interpreter of a PI pipeline model.
PiPipelineInterpreter.PiInterpreterException |
Signals that an error was encountered while executing the interpreter.
PiPipelineModel |
Model of a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiPipelineProgrammable |
Behavior to program the pipeline of a device that supports
PiPreEntry |
Configuration entry of a Packet Replication Engine (PRE) of
protocol-independent pipeline.
PiPreEntryHandle |
Abstract implementation of a PI handle for PRE entries.
PiPreEntryType |
Type of entry of the packet replication engine (PRE) or a
protocol-independent pipeline.
PiPreReplica |
Representation of a packet replica used for multicast or cloning process in a
protocol-independent packet replication engine.
PiRangeFieldMatch |
Instance of a range field match in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiRegisterCell |
A register cell entry of a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiRegisterCell.Builder |
PiRegisterCellId |
Identifier of a register cell in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiRegisterId |
Identifier of a register in a protocol-independent pipeline, unique within the scope of a pipeline model.
PiRegisterModel |
Model of a register in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiRegisterProgrammable |
Protocol-independent register programmable device behaviour.
PiReplicationGroupTranslationStore |
A PI translation store that keeps track of which groups have been
translated to which PI packet replication engine (PRE) entry.
PiReplicationGroupTranslator |
A translator of groups for packet replication to PI packet replication engine
(PRE) entries.
PiStruct |
Struct entity in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiTableAction |
Instance of an action that can be executed as a consequence of a match in a
match+action table of a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiTableAction.Type |
Types of table action.
PiTableEntry |
Instance of a table entry in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiTableEntry.Builder |
PiTableEntryHandle |
Global identifier of a PI table entry applied on a device, uniquely defined
by a device ID, table ID and match key.
PiTableId |
Identifier of a table in a protocol-independent pipeline, unique within the scope of a pipeline model.
PiTableModel |
Model of a match+action table in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiTableType |
Types of match+action table in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiTernaryFieldMatch |
Instance of a ternary field match in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PiTranslatable |
Abstraction of protocol-dependent (PD) entity that can be translated to an
equivalent protocol-independent (PI) one.
PiTranslatedEntity<T extends PiTranslatable,E extends PiEntity> |
Representation of the result of a PD-to-PI translation associated to a PI
entity handle.
PiTranslationEvent<T extends PiTranslatable,E extends PiEntity> |
Signals an event related to the translation of a protocol-dependent (PD)
entity to a protocol-independent (PI) one.
PiTranslationEvent.Type |
Type of event.
PiTranslationException |
Signals that an error was encountered while translating an entity.
PiTranslationService |
A service to translate protocol-dependent (PD) entities to
protocol-independent (PI) ones.
PiTranslationStore<T extends PiTranslatable,E extends PiEntity> |
PI translation store abstraction that maintains a mapping between a PI entity
handle and a translated entity.
PiTranslationStoreDelegate<T extends PiTranslatable,E extends PiEntity> |
PI translation store delegate abstraction.
PiTranslator<T extends PiTranslatable,E extends PiEntity> |
A translator of PI entities to equivalent PD ones which offer means to learn
translated entities for later use.
PiTuple |
Tuple entity in a protocol-independent pipeline.
PlaceholderCompleter |
A completer that can be used as a placeholder for arguments that don't
need/want completers.
PointToPointIntent |
Abstraction of point-to-point connectivity.
PointToPointIntent.Builder |
Builder of a point to point intent.
Policer |
Generic abstraction for a policer which can mark and/or discard ingress
Policer.Builder |
A policer builder.
Policer.Unit |
Unit of traffic used by this policer.
PolicerConfigurable |
Behaviour for handling various drivers for policer configurations.
PolicerEntry |
Represents a stored policer.
PolicerId |
Unique identifier for an ONOS Policer Policer .
PolicingResource |
Abstraction which encapsulates policer
data to be used as network resource.
PollInterval |
Default polling interval values.
Port |
Abstraction of a network port.
Port.Type |
Represents coarse port type classification.
PortAdmin |
Means to administratively enable,disable and query the state
of a port on a device.
PortAnnotationConfig |
Configuration to add extra annotations to a port via netcfg subsystem.
PortConfigBehaviour |
Means to configure a logical port at the device.
PortConfigOperator |
PortConfigOperatorRegistry |
Abstraction of a port operator registry.
PortCriterion |
Implementation of input port criterion.
PortDescription |
Information about a port.
PortDescriptionsConfig |
Configuration for Ports.
PortNumber |
Representation of a port number.
PortNumber.Logical |
Logical PortNumbers.
PortNumberCompleter |
PortNumberSerializer |
PortQueryVlansCommand |
Command to show the list of unused vlan-ids.
PortStateCompleter |
PortState completer.
PortStatistics |
Statistics of a port.
PortStatisticsDiscovery |
Handler behaviour capable of collecting and updating port statistics.
PortStatisticsService |
Service for obtaining statistic information about device ports.
PortStatisticsService.MetricType |
Specifies the type of metric.
PositionalParameterStringFormatter |
Allows slf4j style formatting of parameters into a string.
PowerConfig<T> |
Behavior for handling port power configurations.
PowerConfigCommand |
Get the target-output-power for specific optical-channel.
PPPoED.Type |
PredictableExecutor |
(Somewhat) predictable ExecutorService.
PredictableExecutor.PickyCallable<T> |
PredictableExecutor.PickyFutureTask<T> |
PredictableExecutor.PickyRunnable |
PredictableExecutor.PickyTask |
Abstraction to give a task a way to express it's preference to run on
certain thread.
PrettyJson |
Pretty print previous command output JSON.
PrettyXml |
Pretty print previous command output XML.
PrimitiveService |
Primitive service.
ProbedLinkProvider |
Abstraction for an entity that provides information about infrastructure
links that are discovered or verified using probe messages.
ProbeMode |
Mode of host location probing.
Projectable |
Abstraction of an entity capable of being projected as another entity.
PropertyPanel |
Models a panel displayed on the Topology View.
PropertyPanel.Prop |
Simple data carrier for a property, composed of a key/label/value trio.
ProtectedConstraint |
Constraint to request using only protected
ProtectedTransportEndpointDescription |
Configuration for a protected transport entity endpoint.
ProtectedTransportEndpointState |
State of protected path endpoint.
ProtectedTransportEndpointState.Builder |
ProtectedTransportIntent |
Intent to create a protected linear path.
ProtectedTransportIntent.Builder |
ProtectionConfig |
Config object for protection end-point.
ProtectionConfigBehaviour |
Behaviour for configuring Device triggered protection mechanism.
ProtectionConstraint |
Constraint that determines whether to employ path protection.
ProtectionEndpointIntent |
Installable Intent for the ProtectionEndpoint (head/tail).
ProtectionEndpointIntent.Builder |
ProtectionException |
Base class for Protection related Exceptions.
ProtectionException.InvalidConfigException |
Exception thrown when specified configuration was invalid.
Provided |
Abstraction of an entity supplied by a provider.
Provider |
Abstraction of a provider of information about network environment.
ProviderId |
ProviderIdSerializer |
ProviderRegistry<P extends Provider,S extends ProviderService<P>> |
Registry for tracking information providers with the core.
ProviderService<P extends Provider> |
Abstraction of a service through which providers can inject information
about the network environment into the core.
ProxyArpStoreDelegate |
Proxy ARP store delegate.
ProxyFactory<T> |
Constructs proxy instances for nodes in the cluster.
ProxyService |
Manages remote proxy services and instances.
QosConfigBehaviour |
Behaviour for handling various operations for qos configurations.
QosDescription |
Default implementation of immutable Qos description.
QosDescription.Builder |
Builder of qos description entities.
QosDescription.Type |
Denotes the type of the Qos.
QosId |
Immutable representation of a Qos identity.
QueueConfigBehaviour |
Behaviour for handling various operations for queue configurations.
QueueDescription |
Default implementation of immutable Queue description.
QueueDescription.Builder |
QueueDescription.Type |
Denotes the type of the Queue.
QueueId |
Immutable representation of a Queue identity.
QueuesListCommand |
Command to list stats for all work queues in the system.
RADIUS packet.
RADIUSAttribute |
An attribute in a RADIUS packet.
RandomIntentCommand |
Installs bulk host-to-host intents between hosts of the network.
Redirect |
Implements ICMPv6 Redirect packet format.
Region |
Representation of a group of devices located in a common physical or
logical region.
Region.Type |
Coarse representation of the type of the region.
RegionAddCommand |
Add a new region.
RegionAddDevicesCommand |
Add a set of devices into existing region.
RegionAddPeerLocCommand |
Annotate a region with a peer location.
RegionAdminService |
Service for interacting with inventory of network control regions.
RegionEvent |
Describes region event.
RegionEvent.Type |
RegionId |
Region identifier backed by a string value.
RegionIdCompleter |
Region ID completer.
RegionListCommand |
List Region details including membership.
RegionListener |
Entity capable of receiving region related events.
RegionRemoveCommand |
Removes a region from the existing region list.
RegionRemoveDevicesCommand |
Remove a set of devices from existing region.
RegionService |
Service for interacting with inventory of network control regions.
RegionStore |
Manages inventory of regions of devices; not intended for direct use.
RegionStoreDelegate |
Region store delegate abstraction.
RegionTypeCompleter |
Region type completer.
RegionUpdateCommand |
Update an existing region.
ReplicaInfo |
Class to represent placement information about Master/Backup copy.
ReplicaInfoEvent |
Describes a device replicainfo event.
ReplicaInfoEvent.Type |
Types of Replica info event.
ReplicaInfoEventListener |
Entity capable of receiving Replica placement information-related events.
ReplicaInfoService |
Service to return where the replica should be placed.
RequestHandler |
Abstraction of an entity that handles a specific request from the
user interface client.
Resource |
An object that represent a resource in a network.
ResourceAdminService |
Service for administering resource service behavior.
ResourceAllocation |
Represents allocation of resource which is identified by the specifier.
ResourceConsumer |
Marker interface representing an entity using resource.
ResourceConsumerId |
Representation of global unique ID for ResourceConsumer object.
ResourceContext |
Class providing resource information to constraints.
ResourceEvent |
Describes an event related to a resource.
ResourceEvent.Type |
Type of resource events.
ResourceGroup |
Intent identifier suitable as an external key.
ResourceId |
Represents identifier of resource.
ResourceListener |
Entity capable of receiving resource related events.
ResourceQueryService |
Service for retrieving resource information.
Resources |
Utility class for resource related classes.
ResourcesCommand |
Lists registered resources.
ResourceService |
Service for allocating/releasing resource(s) and retrieving allocation(s) and availability.
ResourceStore |
Service for storing resource and consumer information.
ResourceStoreDelegate |
Resource store delegate abstraction.
RetriesExceededException |
Exception that indicates the retry threshold has been exceeded.
RetryingFunction<U,V> |
Function that retries execution on failure.
ReviewApplicationNameCompleter |
Application name completer for security review command.
ReviewCommand |
Application security policy review commands.
RevisionType |
Distributed primitive revision types.
RichComparable<T> |
Extends useful methods for comparison to Comparable interface.
Implements RIP Packet format, according to RFC 2453.
RIP.CmdType |
RIPng |
Representation of an RIPng Packet.
RIPng.CmdType |
RIPngEntry |
Default DHCP option.
RIPV2AuthEntry |
RIPV2Entry |
RoleCompleter |
Device mastership role completer.
RoleInfo |
An immutable container for role information for a device,
within the current cluster.
RolesCommand |
Lists mastership roles of nodes for each device.
Router |
Manages the configuration and provisioning of a single-device router.
RouterAdvertisement |
Implements ICMPv6 Router Advertisement packet format.
RouterConfig |
RouterInfo |
Stores configuration information about a router.
RoutersConfig |
Routing configuration.
RoutersConfig.Router |
Router configuration.
RouterSolicitation |
Implements ICMPv6 Router Solicitation packet format.
Routing |
Implements IPv6 routing extension header format.
RoutingConfiguration |
Helper class to manage routing configurations.
RoutingService |
Historical interface now used only as a centralised place to define routing
config related constants.
SafeRecurringTask |
Wrapper for a recurring task which catches all exceptions to prevent task
being suppressed in a ScheduledExecutorService.
ScalarWeight |
Weight implementation based on a double value.
ScrListCommand |
CLI command to dump out the SCR components list in the old karaf format.
SctpPortCriterion |
Implementation of SCTP port criterion (16 bits unsigned integer).
SecurityAdminService |
Security-Mode ONOS service.
SecurityUtil |
Utility class to aid Security-Mode ONOS.
Serializer |
Interface for serialization of store artifacts.
ServerErrorMapper |
Mapper for service not found exceptions to the INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR response code.
ServiceBundle |
A bundle of services to pass to elements that might need a reference to them.
ServiceDirectory |
Simple abstraction of a service directory where service implementations can
be found by the class name of the interfaces they provide.
ServiceNotFoundException |
Represents condition where some service is not found or not available.
ServiceNotFoundMapper |
Mapper for service not found exceptions to the SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE response code.
SetEvent<E> |
Representation of a DistributedSet update notification.
SetEvent.Type |
SetEvent type.
SetEventListener<E> |
Listener to be notified about updates to a DistributedSet.
SharedExecutors |
Utility for managing a set of shared execution resources, such as a timer,
single thread executor and thread pool executor for use by various parts of
the platform or by applications.
SharedScheduledExecutors |
Utility for managing a set of shared execution resources, such as a single
thread scheduled executor and thread pool scheduled executor for use by
various parts of the platform or by applications.
SharedScheduledExecutorService |
A new scheduled executor service that does not eat exception.
SinglePointToMultiPointIntent |
Abstraction of single source, multiple destination connectivity intent.
SinglePointToMultiPointIntent.Builder |
Builder of a single point to multi point intent.
SlidingWindowCounter |
Maintains a sliding window of value counts.
Slow |
Implements ethernet slow protocols.
SoftwareUpgrade |
Behaviour that upgrades the software on a device.
SoftwareUpgrade.Status |
Completion status of upgrade.
SparseAnnotations |
Represents an set of sparse key/value string annotations capable of carrying
annotation keys tagged for removal.
Spectrum |
Telecom optical wavelength bands: O, E, S, C, L and U bands.
SrlgGraphSearch<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
SRLG Graph Search finds a pair of paths with disjoint risk groups; i.e
if one path goes through an edge in risk group 1, the other path will go
through no edges in risk group 1.
StartStopCompleter |
Start/stop command completer.
StatisticService |
Service for obtaining statistic information about link in the system.
StatisticStore |
Store to house the computed statistics.
StatTriggerField |
Stat fields are supported default by OXS.
StatTriggerFlag |
Stat Trigger Flags.
StorageAdminService |
Service for administering storage instances.
StorageException |
Top level exception for Store failures.
StorageException.ConcurrentModification |
Store update conflicts with an in flight transaction.
StorageException.Interrupted |
Store operation interrupted.
StorageException.Timeout |
Store operation timeout.
StorageException.Unavailable |
Store is temporarily unavailable.
StorageNodesListCommand |
Lists all storage nodes.
StorageService |
Storage service.
Store<E extends Event,D extends StoreDelegate<E>> |
Abstraction of a entity capable of storing and/or distributing information
across a cluster.
StoreDelegate<E extends Event> |
Entity associated with a store and capable of receiving notifications of
events within the store.
StoredFlowEntry |
StoredGroupBucketEntry |
Generic group bucket entry representation that is stored in a
group object.
StoredGroupEntry |
Interface that defines set methods for a group entry
that is stored in the system.
StoreSerializer |
StringFilter |
Filters content on a given object with String representation.
StringFilter.Strategy |
Defines the filtering strategy.
SubjectClassKeyCompleter |
Network configuration subject class key completer.
SubjectFactories |
Set of subject factories for potential configuration subjects.
SubjectFactory<S> |
Base abstract factory for creating configuration subjects from their
string key image.
SubjectKeyCompleter |
Network configuration subject key completer.
SummaryCommand |
Provides summary of ONOS model.
SummaryFlowEntryWithLoad |
Summary Load classified by flow live type.
SuurballeGraphSearch<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
Suurballe shortest-path graph search algorithm capable of finding both
a shortest path, as well as a backup shortest path, between a source and a destination
such that the sum of the path lengths is minimized.
Synchronous<T extends DistributedPrimitive> |
DistributedPrimitive that is a synchronous (blocking) version of
SystemInfo |
System information interface.
SystemInfo.Builder |
A builder of SystemInfo.
TableId |
Match+action table identifier.
TableId.Type |
Types of table identifier.
TableModel |
A simple model of table data.
TableModel.SortDir |
Designates sorting direction.
TableRequestHandler |
Message handler specifically for table views.
TableStatisticsCommand |
Lists port statistic of all ports in the system.
TableStatisticsDiscovery |
Behaviour capable of retrieving table statistics from device.
TableStatisticsEntry |
Interface for flow table statistics of a device.
TableUtils |
Provides static utility methods for dealing with tables.
TarjanGraphSearch<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
Tarjan algorithm for searching a graph and producing results describing
the graph SCC (strongly-connected components).
TarjanGraphSearch.SccResult<V extends Vertex,E extends Edge<V>> |
Graph search result augmented with SCC vertexData.
Task<E> |
Implements TCP packet format.
TcpFlagsCriterion |
Implementation of TCP flags criterion (12 bits unsigned integer).
TcpPortCriterion |
Implementation of TCP port criterion (16 bits unsigned integer).
TenantId |
Representation of network tenant.
TestAllocateResource |
Test tool to allocate resources.
TestProtectionEndpointIntentCommand |
Test tool to add ProtectionEndpointIntent.
TestTools |
Utilities to aid in producing JUnit tests.
TestUtils |
Utilities for testing.
TestUtils.TestUtilsException |
Exception that can be thrown if problems are encountered while executing
the utility method.
TimeFormatter |
Formats time values using DateTimeFormatter .
Timer |
Hashed-wheel timer singleton.
Timestamp |
Opaque version structure.
TokenBucket |
Generic abstraction for a token bucket which can mark and/or discard
TokenBucket.Action |
Action applied to the exceeding traffic.
TokenBucket.Builder |
Token bucket builder.
TokenBucket.Type |
Token bucket type.
TokenBucketEntry |
Represents a stored token bucket.
Tools |
Miscellaneous utility methods.
Tools.LogLevel |
Log level for the customized logger.
Topic<T> |
A distributed publish subscribe primitive.
TopicBuilder<T> |
Builder for Topic instances.
TopicOptions<O extends TopicOptions<O,T>,T> |
Builder for Topic instances.
TopoConstants |
Defines string constants used in the Topology View of the ONOS GUI.
TopoConstants.CoreButtons |
Defines identities of core buttons that appear on the topology
details panel.
TopoConstants.Properties |
Defines constants for property/localization keys on the default summary
and details panels.
TopoElementType |
The topology element types to which a highlight can be applied.
TopoJson |
JSON utilities for the Topology View.
Topology |
Represents a network topology computation snapshot.
TopologyChangeDelegate |
Auxiliary delegate for integration of intent manager and flow trackerService.
TopologyCluster |
Representation of an SCC (strongly-connected component) in a network topology.
TopologyCommand |
Lists summary of the current topology.
TopologyEdge |
Represents an edge in the topology graph.
TopologyEvent |
Describes network topology event.
TopologyEvent.Type |
Type of topology events.
TopologyGraph |
Represents an immutable topology graph.
TopologyListener |
Entity capable of receiving network topology related events.
TopologyProvider |
Means for injecting topology information into the core.
TopologyProviderRegistry |
Abstraction of a network topology provider registry.
TopologyProviderService |
Means for injecting topology information into the core.
TopologyService |
Service for providing network topology information.
TopologyStore |
Manages inventory of topology snapshots; not intended for direct use.
TopologyStoreDelegate |
Topology store delegate abstraction.
TopologyVertex |
Represents a vertex in the topology graph.
TopoUtils |
Utility methods for helping out with formatting data for the Topology View
in the web client.
TopoUtils.Magnitude |
Enumeration of magnitudes.
TopoUtils.ValueLabel |
Encapsulates a value to be used as a label.
TpPort |
Representation of a transport layer port.
TrafficSelector |
Abstraction of a slice of network traffic.
TrafficSelector.Builder |
Builder of traffic selector entities.
TrafficTreatment |
Abstraction of network traffic treatment.
TrafficTreatment.Builder |
Builder of traffic treatment entities.
Transactional<T> |
Interface for transactional primitives.
TransactionalMap<K,V> |
Transactional Map data structure.
TransactionalSet<E> |
Transactional Set data structure.
TransactionContext |
Provides a context for transactional operations.
TransactionContextBuilder |
Abstract base class for a transaction context builder.
TransactionContextOptions<O extends TransactionContextOptions<O>> |
Abstract base class for a transaction context builder.
TransactionException |
Top level exception for Transaction failures.
TransactionException.ConcurrentModification |
Transaction failure due to a conflicting transaction in progress.
TransactionException.Interrupted |
Transaction interrupted.
TransactionException.OptimisticConcurrencyFailure |
Transaction failure due to optimistic concurrency violation.
TransactionException.Timeout |
Transaction timeout.
TransactionId |
Transaction identifier.
TransactionLog<T> |
Collection of transaction updates to be applied atomically.
TransactionsCommand |
CLI to view in-progress database transactions in the system.
TransportEndpointDescription |
Configuration for a underlying path endpoint, forming protected path.
TransportEndpointDescription.Builder |
TransportEndpointId |
Identifier for a transport entity endpoint.
TransportEndpointState |
State of a underlying path endpoint, forming protected path.
TransportEndpointState.Builder |
TributarySlot |
Implementation of ODU Tributary Slot simply designated by an index number of slot.
TributarySlotQuery |
Behaviour to retrieve available tributary slot resources.
TriConsumer<U,V,W> |
A consumer that accepts three arguments.
TunnelDescription |
Describes a tunnel interface.
TunnelDescription.Builder |
Builder of tunnel interface description entities.
TunnelDescription.Type |
Tunnel technology type.
TunnelEndPoint<T> |
Represents for source end point or destination end point of a tunnel.
TunnelEndPoints |
TunnelIdCriterion |
Implementation of Tunnel ID criterion.
TunnelKey<T> |
Represent for a tunnel key.
TunnelKeys |
Static utility methods pertaining to TunnelKey instances.
TwoWayP2PIntent |
Abstraction of bidirectional connectivity between two points in the network.
TwoWayP2PIntent.Builder |
Builder of a point to point intent.
TypedFlowEntryWithLoad |
Load of flow entry of flow live type.
TypedStoredFlowEntry |
Represents a flow live type for a given flow entry.
TypedStoredFlowEntry.FlowLiveType |
Representation of a UDP packet.
UdpPortCriterion |
Implementation of UDP port criterion (16 bits unsigned integer).
UiClusterMember |
Represents an individual member of the cluster (ONOS instance).
UiConnection |
Abstraction of a user interface session connection.
UiDevice |
Represents a device.
UiDeviceLink |
Represents a link between two devices; that is, an infrastructure link.
UiEdgeLink |
Designates a link between a device and a host; that is, an edge link.
UiElement |
Abstract base class of all elements in the UI topology model.
UiExtension |
Immutable representation of a user interface extension.
UiExtension.Builder |
UI Extension Builder.
UiExtensionService |
Service for registering user interface extensions.
UiGlyph |
Represents a glyph to be used in the user interface topology view.
UiGlyphFactory |
Abstraction of an entity capable of producing one or more glyphs for the
topology view.
UiHost |
Represents an end-station host.
UiLink |
Represents a link (line between two elements).
UiLinkId |
A canonical representation of an identifier for UiLink s.
UiLinkId.Direction |
Designates the directionality of an underlying (uni-directional) link.
UiLinkId.Type |
Designates the type of link the identifier represents.
UiMessageHandler |
Abstraction of an entity capable of processing JSON messages from the user
interface client.
UiMessageHandlerFactory |
Abstraction of an entity capable of producing a set of message handlers
specific to the given user interface connection.
UiModelEvent |
UI Topology model events.
UiModelEvent.Type |
Enumeration of event types.
UiNode |
Represents a node drawn on the topology view (region, device, host).
UiPreferencesService |
Service for tracking user interface preferences.
UiRegion |
Represents a region.
UiRegionDeviceLink |
Designates a link between a region node and a device.
UiRegionLink |
Designates a link between two region nodes.
UiSessionToken |
Encapsulates a session token pertaining to a Web UI websocket connection.
UiSynthLink |
A synthetic link that encapsulates a UiLink instance and the region to
which it belongs.
UiTokenService |
Service for handling UI session tokens.
UiTopo2Overlay |
Represents a user interface topology-2 view overlay.
UiTopo2OverlayFactory |
Abstraction of an entity capable of producing one or more topology-2
overlay handlers specific to a given user interface connection.
UiTopoLayout |
Represents a specific "subset" of the UI model of the network topology
that a user might wish to view.
UiTopoLayoutId |
Identifier of a topology layout.
UiTopoLayoutService |
UiTopology |
Represents the overall network topology.
UiTopoMap |
Represents a geographically-based map to be used in the user interface
topology view.
UiTopoMapFactory |
Abstraction of an entity capable of producing one or more geographic-based
maps for the topology view.
UiTopoOverlay |
Represents user interface topology view overlay.
UiTopoOverlayFactory |
Abstraction of an entity capable of producing one or more topology
overlay handlers specific to a given user interface connection.
UiView |
Represents a user interface view addition.
UiView.Category |
Designates the navigation menu category.
UiViewHidden |
Represents user interface view addition, except that this one should not
have an entry in the navigation panel.
UnavailableIdException |
Represents that there is no available IDs.
UnmodifiableDeque<E> |
Unmodifiable view of the specified Deque.
UnresolvedExtensionSelector |
Unresolved extension selector.
UnresolvedExtensionTreatment |
Unresolved extension treatment.
UpDownCompleter |
Up/down command completer.
Upgrade |
Represents the state of an upgrade.
Upgrade.Status |
Represents the phase of the upgrade protocol.
UpgradeAdminService |
Abstraction for executing the stages of the upgrade process.
UpgradeEvent |
Upgrade event.
UpgradeEvent.Type |
Type of upgrade-related events.
UpgradeEventListener |
Upgrade event listener.
UpgradeService |
Upgrade service.
UriSerializer |
Serializer for URI .
UsernamePassword |
Representation of a username and password.
UtilityClassChecker |
Hamcrest style class for verifying that a class follows the
accepted rules for utility classes.
Version |
Representation of the product version.
Version |
Logical timestamp for versions.
Versioned<V> |
Versioned value.
VersionService |
Node version service.
Vertex |
Representation of a graph vertex.
VlanId |
Representation of a VLAN identifier.
VlanIdCriterion |
Implementation of VLAN ID criterion.
VlanPcpCriterion |
Implementation of VLAN priority criterion (3 bits).
VlanQuery |
A HandlerBehaviour to check the capability of VLAN.
Representation of a VXLAN(Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network) packet.
WallClockTimestamp |
A Timestamp that derives its value from the prevailing
wallclock time on the controller where it is generated.
WaypointConstraint |
Constraint that evaluates elements passed through in order.
WebApplicationExceptionMapper |
Exception mapper for WebApplicationExceptions.
Weight |
Abstraction of a graph edge weight.
WipeOutCommand |
Wipes-out the entire network information base, i.e.
WorkPartitionEvent |
Partition event.
WorkPartitionEvent.Type |
WorkPartitionEventListener |
Entity capable of receiving device partition-related events.
WorkPartitionService |
Service for partitioning work, represented via a unique identifier, onto cluster nodes.
WorkQueue<E> |
Distributed Work Queue primitive.
WorkQueueBuilder<E> |
Builder for WorkQueue.
WorkQueueOptions<O extends WorkQueueOptions<O,E>,E> |
Builder for WorkQueue.
WorkQueueStats |
WorkQueueStats.Builder |
XmlDriverLoader |
Utility capable of reading driver configuration XML resources and producing
a device driver provider as a result.
XmlEventParser |
Parser for Netconf notifications.
XmlString |
PrettyPrinted XML String.