Traffic selection criteria model.
Interface Summary Interface Description Criterion Representation of a single header field selection.ExtensionSelector An extension for the selector API. -
Class Summary Class Description ArpHaCriterion Implementation of arp_eth_src address or arp_eth_dst address criterion.ArpOpCriterion Implementation of arp operation type criterion.ArpPaCriterion Implementation of arp spa or tpa address criterion.Criteria Factory class to create various traffic selection criteria.EthCriterion Implementation of MAC address criterion.EthTypeCriterion Implementation of Ethernet type criterion (16 bits unsigned integer).ExtensionCriterion Criterion for implementing selector extensions.ExtensionSelectorType Type of selector extensions.IcmpCodeCriterion Implementation of ICMP code criterion (8 bits unsigned integer).IcmpTypeCriterion Implementation of ICMP type criterion (8 bits unsigned integer).Icmpv6CodeCriterion Implementation of ICMPv6 code criterion (8 bits unsigned integer).Icmpv6TypeCriterion Implementation of ICMPv6 type criterion (8 bits unsigned integer).IPCriterion Implementation of IP address criterion.IPDscpCriterion Implementation of IP DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point) criterion (6 bits).IPEcnCriterion Implementation of IP ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification) criterion (2 bits).IPProtocolCriterion Implementation of Internet Protocol Number criterion (8 bits unsigned) integer.IPv6ExthdrFlagsCriterion Implementation of IPv6 Extension Header pseudo-field criterion (16 bits).IPv6FlowLabelCriterion Implementation of IPv6 Flow Label (RFC 6437) criterion (20 bits unsigned integer).IPv6NDLinkLayerAddressCriterion Implementation of IPv6 Neighbor Discovery link-layer address criterion.IPv6NDTargetAddressCriterion Implementation of IPv6 Neighbor Discovery target address criterion.LambdaCriterion Implementation of lambda (wavelength) criterion (16 bits unsigned integer).MetadataCriterion Implementation of Metadata criterion.MplsBosCriterion Implementation of MPLS BOS criterion (1 bit).MplsCriterion Implementation of MPLS tag criterion (20 bits).MplsTcCriterion Implementation of MPLS TC criterion (3 bits).OchSignalCriterion Implementation of OCh (Optical Channel) signal criterion.OchSignalTypeCriterion Implementation of OCh (Optical Channel) signal type criterion.OduSignalIdCriterion Implementation of ODU (Optical channel Data Unit) signal ID signal criterion.OduSignalTypeCriterion Implementation of ODU (Optical channel Data Unit) signal Type criterion.PbbIsidCriterion Implementation of PBB I-SID criterion (24 bits unsigned integer).PiCriterion Protocol-independent criterion.PiCriterion.Builder PiCriterion Builder.PortCriterion Implementation of input port criterion.SctpPortCriterion Implementation of SCTP port criterion (16 bits unsigned integer).TcpFlagsCriterion Implementation of TCP flags criterion (12 bits unsigned integer).TcpPortCriterion Implementation of TCP port criterion (16 bits unsigned integer).TunnelIdCriterion Implementation of Tunnel ID criterion.UdpPortCriterion Implementation of UDP port criterion (16 bits unsigned integer).UnresolvedExtensionSelector Unresolved extension selector.VlanIdCriterion Implementation of VLAN ID criterion.VlanPcpCriterion Implementation of VLAN priority criterion (3 bits). -
Enum Summary Enum Description Criterion.IPv6ExthdrFlags Bit definitions for IPv6 Extension Header pseudo-field.Criterion.TcpFlags Criterion.Type Types of fields to which the selection criterion may apply.ExtensionSelectorType.ExtensionSelectorTypes A list of well-known named extension selector type codes.