Interface NeighbourResolutionService

  • public interface NeighbourResolutionService
    Provides a means of registering logic for handling neighbour messages.
    • Method Detail

      • registerNeighbourHandler

        void registerNeighbourHandler​(ConnectPoint connectPoint,
                                      NeighbourMessageHandler handler,
                                      ApplicationId appId)
        Registers a neighbour message handler for all neighbour messages incoming on the given connect point.
        connectPoint - connect point
        handler - neighbour message handler
        appId - application ID
      • registerNeighbourHandler

        void registerNeighbourHandler​(Interface intf,
                                      NeighbourMessageHandler handler,
                                      ApplicationId appId)
        Registers a neighbour message handler for all neighbour messages incoming on the given interface. Neighbour packets must match the fields of the interface in order to be handled by this message handler.
        intf - interface
        handler - neighbour message handler
        appId - application ID
      • unregisterNeighbourHandler

        void unregisterNeighbourHandler​(ConnectPoint connectPoint,
                                        NeighbourMessageHandler handler,
                                        ApplicationId appId)
        Unregisters a neighbour message handler that was assigned to a connect point.
        connectPoint - connect point
        handler - neighbour message handler
        appId - application ID
      • unregisterNeighbourHandler

        void unregisterNeighbourHandler​(Interface intf,
                                        NeighbourMessageHandler handler,
                                        ApplicationId appId)
        Unregisters a neighbour message handler that was assigned to an interface.
        intf - interface
        handler - neighbour message handler
        appId - application ID
      • unregisterNeighbourHandlers

        void unregisterNeighbourHandlers​(ApplicationId appId)
        Unregisters all neighbour handlers that were registered by the given application.
        appId - application ID
      • getHandlerRegistrations

        java.util.Map<ConnectPoint,​java.util.Collection<NeighbourHandlerRegistration>> getHandlerRegistrations()
        Gets the neighbour message handlers that have been registered with the service.
        neighbour message handlers indexed by connect point