Interface StoredGroupEntry

    • Method Detail

      • setState

        void setState​(Group.GroupState newState)
        Sets the new state for this entry.
        newState - new group entry state.
      • setIsGroupStateAddedFirstTime

        void setIsGroupStateAddedFirstTime​(boolean isGroupAddedFirstTime)
        Sets if group has transitioned to ADDED state for the first time. This is to differentiate state transitions "from PENDING_ADD to ADDED" and "from PENDING_UPDATE to ADDED". For internal use only.
        isGroupAddedFirstTime - true if group moves to ADDED state for the first time.
      • isGroupStateAddedFirstTime

        boolean isGroupStateAddedFirstTime()
        Returns the isGroupStateAddedFirstTime value. For internal use only.
        isGroupStateAddedFirstTime value
      • setLife

        void setLife​(long life)
        Sets how long this entry has been entered in the system.
        life - epoch time
      • setPackets

        void setPackets​(long packets)
        Sets number of packets processed by this group entry.
        packets - a long value
      • setBytes

        void setBytes​(long bytes)
        Sets number of bytes processed by this group entry.
        bytes - a long value
      • setReferenceCount

        void setReferenceCount​(long referenceCount)
        Sets number of flow rules or groups referencing this group entry.
        referenceCount - reference count
      • incrFailedRetryCount

        void incrFailedRetryCount()
        Increments the count for the number of failed attempts in programming this group.
      • setFailedRetryCount

        void setFailedRetryCount​(int failedRetryCount)
        Sets the count for the number of failed attempts in programming this group.
        failedRetryCount - count for number of failed attempts in programming this group